I'm alive lol

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Hey guys, I'm alive. Not dead lol. Sorry I haven't been posting lately, been busy with my adult life, working and, driving test (failed) the test is hard and confusing soo. Also, nothing has been happening lately....I hope.

Been waking up and my body just feels hurt sometimes ( ya know but not like that lol calm down ) and my stuff on my TV stand has been knocked off when I wake up. Sometimes, when come back from work it looks like someone has been laying in my bed. It wasn't my dog because I sniffed my bed and pillow, smelled nothing but perfume or something. Also, I woke up this morning to get ready for work and, I was hurting down there but not like omg painful, just a little like something has been pressed hard against me. ( sorry I don't know how to word it  ☠ not like that okay!) .

My red dot has been over last month soo..and I had marks all over my chest and arms area ( when you take a good nap and wake up with Mark's) but I wasn't sleeping on anything hard, I sleep on my soft comfy bed with stuff animals. I shouldn't wake up with Mark's, I don't know but I've been a little worried for my um...body lately. ._.

It's like his getting a little brave lately on coming over when I'm not awake. It's like Peter but not that crazy yet lol. Let's pray it doesn't go that far. 

That's all that's been happening though- I hate adult life...also my 19th birthday is coming up next month! ❤ I'm growing up so fast.

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