My electronics...?

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My Laptop used to glitch up some of my soical media's I had like Facebook or chrome too like I couldn't go on it cause it would glitch up badly a lot

My TV would make glitch noises when I talk to my best friend and Skype would end our calls, maybe end are games we play on my Wii U

When my best friend was over at my house I heard heavy breathing behind us so I thought it was my best friend so I looked at her like 'why you breathing so heavily? ' but she looked at my like I was crazy cause it wasn't her. I looked around my room and back at her noticing she generally scared, I never seen her look that scared before. I laughed making a joke trying to calm her down.

My best friend told me a long time ago that night time she was doing the dishes and some one or thing shoved her face into the water for  hours or what hour idk but she struggled until it stopped and she turned around seeing no one.. Her family was asleep okay, I asked if this was fake but she told me it really happened.. I was triggered no one hurts my bestie!

When my best friend was over at my house having a sleepover, night time came and i was tired as hell so i went to bed first as my bestie stayed up on her laptop leaning against my bed quietly live streaming, she heard a click she told me she looked up at my TV screen seeing glitch statics on my screen..when she told me this (cause i asked her how she stay up all night in my creepy bedroom) i thought she was seeing stuff ( cause my TV is old) but she gave me a serious look saying " your TV was off" i got quiet fake smiling and a laugh...

when she told me this (cause i asked her how she stay up all night in my creepy bedroom) i thought she was seeing stuff ( cause my TV is old) but she gave me a serious look saying " your TV was off" i got quiet fake smiling and a laugh

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that's all, now on to the next one!

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