The dirty blonde hair

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- forgot to add this one srry -

When i was 13 i was on my laptop playing on it, then i went to bed with my black sweater on top of it soo...the next day i woke up hella tired  i grab my sweater about to put it on until...i notice a piece of strand dirty orangeish blonde hair ( but it looked like someone took some scissors and cut some hair off) (and yes, I sniffed it but it smelt like perfume)  I take it and look at it confuse ass hell...but i didnt care cause i was tired and drew it on the floor and went on with  my day. (All my family members have black or brown hair and when i went on my laptop it was already on i swore i turned it off but i didnt care and shrugged it off)

When i was 14 ( im still am) i was bored and hungry so i CLOSED my laptop and went downstairs to make guacamole dip and i came back upstairs enjoying my dip 👌, i walk in my room and i notice my laptop WIDE OPEN (yes you know those laptops that can bend all the way looking like a tablet yeaaa) i was scared and confuse but i told myself i swore i closed it..but i just sat down enjoying my dip..but my mind kept telling me its in your room get out, so i opened my closet to check.... nobody there.

UnU im spooked talking about this lel.

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