The Wedding

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Five Months Later......
Janet's PoV

Today is the day I marry the love of my life. I'm sitting in my dressing room pacing.
Janet: I don't think I can do this!
Mama Katherine: Nope! Not right now Janet. You can not get cold feet on this man right now. He loves you too much, and you love him too much to turn back now.
Janet: Mother, I don't think I can do this. It feels like the room is spinning.
Nailani: Sit down Mommy. It is going to be okay. You and Daddy are going to get married and it will be incredible. I know you wanna do this because you love Daddy and he loves you. You two have shown my siblings and I the perfect example of what love should look like. So I know that you two are ready to take the next step and you take his last name.
Janet: You are right ladies. I'm ready for this. Can somebody go get Mikey so he can walk me down the aisle.

 Can somebody go get Mikey so he can walk me down the aisle

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Nobody's POV
Michael steps into the room to get Janet. They all walk to the doors and they girls line up first.(Nailani, Aubrey, and Autumn's Dresses)

They step out and everyone awes in amazement

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They step out and everyone awes in amazement. Tyler sees them and his vision blurs with tears. Next Janet and Michael step out. Janet scans the room before taking her step to see her family. She then looks to her right and spots Toni Braxton(Nailani's Godmother), Babyface, Mariah Carey, Eddie Murphy, Big Boy, Tyra Banks, Bruno Mars, Cardi B and so many more huge names. She then looks to her left and sees some of "The Kids"from over time. She then takes two steps and Randy steps up to take her. She then takes five more steps and Marlon walks her down the aisle. She get to the Preachers and he asks, "Who gives this woman to this man?" and her her six brothers answer.
Tyler grabs Janet's Hands and they stand there with their eyes connected with one another.
*Skips to the vows*
Preacher: The couple has chosen to prepare their own vows. Who is gong first?
Tyler: Baby wanna go first?
Janet:Yes. *Takes a deep breath* From the moment our paths crossed on the set of WDIGM, you have surprised me, distracted me, captivated me, and challenged me in a way that no human being ever has. I've fallen in love with you again and again, countless times, without reservation, and I still can't believe that today I get to marry my best friend. I promise to be true to you, to uplift and support you, to frustrate and challenge you, and to share with you the beautiful moments of life. Someday, if the stars align, I might even let you win an argument
                 *Everyone laughs*
No matter what trials we encounter together or how much time has passed, I know that our love will never fade. That we will always find strength in one another, and that we will continue to grow side by side. I believe in the truth of what we are, and I will love you always, with every beat of my heart.
Preacher: That was lovely!
Tyler: *wipes tears from face* Damn Janet! You got me. Alright my turn. Janet baby, since we have met I knew you were going to be the one I marry. Since we have been together, you have made me fell more complete, more alive, and have shown me the true meaning of happiness. I am a better father, son, lover, friend and all around person with you beside me. That is why today in front of you, our friends, our family. I, take you to be my partner, loving what I know of you and trusting what I do not yet know. Janet, I promise to respect you as a equal, and to recognize that your interest, desires, and needs are as important as mine or more. I promise to with you when times are good, and endure you when they are bad. I can't wait to grow old with you, getting to know the excellent woman you've grown into and falling in love a little more everyday. Today, I give you my hand, my heart, my mind, and my love without condition completely and forever. I love you Queen!

Preacher: I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.

Janet's POV
Tyler grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him. Our lips connected and I felt the sparks I felt our very first kiss. It started to get very heated and he licked my bottom lip for entrance and I wasted no time to grant it. I felt a tap on my shoulder and slowly pulled apart from him. I looked, and there were my daughters with the most disgusted faces and I just laughed and hid my face in Tyler's chest. We finally grabbed hands and began walking down the aisle together. In this moment I knew we had made the right decision with each other. We headed to a dressing room to change.

 We headed to a dressing room to change

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Janet and Tyler's Outfits.
Nailani and the girls stayed in their dresses.  We went to the banquet hall rented for the party and the DJ introduced us.
DJ: Now introducing Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Perry.
We walked in hand in hand. We danced to our favorite song "When I See U" by Fantasia. Then the DJ played, me, Lani, Dom and Toni favorite song, "Twerk" by the City Girls ft Cardi B. I grabbed Tyler by his hand and drug him the the center of the dance floor, while Toni grabbed Babyface and we went to work. I put my hands on my knees and twerked to the beat, occasionally looking over my shoulder at Tyler to see him smirking. I then poked by ass into his "area" and felt "JR" poking me back. The DJ then switched the song to "Please Me" by Bruno and Cardi. I sang the lyrics as I grinded into him harder, he finally had enough and pulled me to the bathroom. He pushed me on the sink on the restroom and hurried and locked the bathroom door. I pulled up my dress, Tyler dropped to his knees, pulled my panties down, dove right into my ocean. I moaned and squirmed, 5 minutes later I was squirting all over the place. Tyler licked every drop up and then helped me up. I got up, pulled up my panties, and gave him the sloppiest kiss I could muster up. I grabbed Tyler's hand, unlocked the door and in fell Gil, Toni, and Nailani. I laughed, and hid my red face in Tyler's chest. Toni started laughing,
Toni: What was y'all doing Mr. And Mrs. Perry?
Janet: None of business Mrs. Edmonds. Where is Kenny at anyway,and why isn't he trying to break your back?
Toni: First off mind yours. I don't even where Kenny is though. And I was telling you we are finna leave, because I need to find my husband. I trying to get my back broke like you were just doing.
Janet: Bye TONI! Love you !
Toni: Bye Mr. And Mrs. Perry love you.
Toni left and Lani and Gil looked at me.
Lani and Gil: Mmmmmh.
Gil: I see you Mrs. Perry.
Janet: Alright bye! We need to get on the plane for our honeymoon. Lani go get your sisters and brother so we can say goodbye.
Lani: Yes, Ma'am.
Lani ran off the go find Aubrey, Autumn and Eissa. She then came back with the girls and my Eisses
Eissa:Mommy, do you have to leave?
Janet: Yes baby, Mommy has to spend grown up time with Poppa Tyler.
Eissa: But can't you just do that at home.
Tyler: Unfortunately not this time Eisses, Mommy and Poppa T need some time alone. Don't you want another boy in the house.
Eissa: * Smiles* Of course! Why didn't you use say that?
Autumn: I don't like where this conversation is heading.
Janet: Neither do I. Really Tyler? *hits him in the chest*
Tyler: What? I'm try a make baby number 5.
Janet: Keep talking like that around my kids, you'll be releasing baby number 5 on your hands.
Nailani, Autumn, and Aubrey: Ewwww! Come on you couldn't wait till you get on the plane to talk like that.
Tyler and Janet: Sorry!
Eissa: Alrighty, let's leave this lovely couple alone. Bye Mommy and Poppa T.
Nailani: Bye Mommy and Daddy!
Autumn: Bye Momma! Bye Daddy!
Aubrey:*cries* Bye Mommy. Bye Daddy.
Gil: What's wrong with her?
Tyler: Her anxiety is acting up,
Janet: Calm down baby. Deep breaths. In for 5, out for 5. Breathe Mommas.
Aubrey: *doing breathing exercises.* Okay I'm okay.
Janet and Tyler: Okay for real, we have to leave babies.
Nailani: Alright clan bring it in.
We all gathered into the center and hugged. I heard whispering, I realized it was just Aubrey praying over us.
All: Amen!
Tyler and I linked hands and started to walk away. I turned, waved and blew kisses to the kids. I saw Eissa crying and my heart hurt, but I knew he was okay with his Uncles and sisters. Tyler and I got into the limo with our bags already in the trunk. We boarded the plane. This is where new life as a wife, mother of 4, and Pop Icon began.

Nailaini's POV
This is where this Chapter of my life ended, but another starts. I am now a daughter of Janet and Tyler Perry. Big sister to three beautiful, young, intelligent siblings. And fully a member of the Jackson Clan. I love my family.
The End.........Or Is it.

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