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Janet's POV

Today has been really hectic, but Tyler and Nalani took my mind off of things. After the whole argument with Levi and I, we went back to my house. Tyler decided it would best if he stayed, for the sake of my nerves. As soon as we hit the drive way I noticed an unfamiliar car in the driveway. I guess Tyler seen it too because he said " Stay in the car. I'm going to see who it is," he opened the door, " Come on Joey." He and Joey got out off the car. I instantly pulled Eissa and Nalani to my side. I saw the estranged car door open. I saw Joey stick his hand out. It was Wissam, Eissa's father. Tyler then came back to the car and opened the door. Nalani got out and grabbed Eissa. I finally got out. Wissam was kinda looking at Nalani and Tyler strange. We went to the door and Nalani unlocked it. We all went into the house. Tyler and Nalani went upstairs. Soon as Wissam heard the room doors close, he slapped me. I fell to the floor. "What the fuck I tell you about having people holding and touching my son!" He said through gritted teeth. " He's my son! And that's my boyfriend and daughter they are not just anybody!" I started to cry. Just as he rose his hand to hit me again, I saw Nalani standing there scared. " The fuck you looking at bitch?" He yelled at her. " Just some punk ass bitch finna hit my momma," She smirked, " you bad gon hit her. Hit her so I can call my Uncle's over here to fuck you up. As a matter of fact. Tylerrr!" Tyler came rushing down the steps. "Wassup, why you yelling my name like that?" He looked over at me on the ground and turned red. He slowly started walking towards Wissam. I got up and put my hands on his chest. "No baby! It was an accident. He didn't mean it. He was just playing." I said becoming worried. "Naw! Fuck that! You bad, you can hit my woman but damn sure can't hit me. Wassup with it. It's whatever. Baby move!" He looked down at me. "No I can't let you do this." I said. He picked me up and moved me to the side. After that he rushed over and punched him. "Get up. Bitch! Come on let's see what you can do. I ain't no female hit me." Tyler yelled as Wissam struggled to get up. I grabbed Tyler and Joey let Wissam out after eventually coming from the bathroom.

Nalani POV
"Wow!" was the only thing I could think to say. "Nalani," Momma called me and I turned my head and responded "Yes Ma'am?" She looked at me, "Call Michael or Randy and see if they can come get you two." I looked at Tyler "Yes ma'am. Do you need some ice for your face before I go upstairs?" She shook her head no. " I got it baby." She said on the verge of tears. I went upstairs and as soon as I hit the last step Uncle Randy called.
******Conversation**(R:Randy M:Me)

M:Hey Uncle Randy how are you?
R:I am good, how are you?
M: I'm fine. Is there a reason for this wonderful call?
R:Why can't I just call my little niece to see if she's ok?
M:Well if that's the case. I am doing good.
R:Well that's not the case. Dunkin I want you to be completely honest with me. Are you and your mother ok.
M: Yes. She's just not feeling like herself at the moment.
R: Why? Who ass we got to beat? Was it Wissam?
M: Mommy wants to know if you could come and get Eissa and I. If that's fine with you?
R:Lani Bug don't change the subject. What happened? Was it Wissam?
M:Mother doesn't want me to get into all the details. If you come and get me you'll see for yourself why she is not herself.
M: No! Wissam hit Mommy. *Gasp* Please don't tell mother I told you what happened.
R: I promise I won't tell her Dunkin. But don't be surprised if he gets hurt.
M: Yes sir.
R: Lani Bug. I love you.
M: I love you too Old Man.
********End of Convo*********
I went in my room and packed an overnight bag. I then went into Eissa's nursery and packed an overnight bag. I then took our bags to the door. I then went into the kitchen to get Eissa and I a snack. Only to hear a moan come from Mommy's office.

Janet's POV
*Having sex with Tyler*
" Yes daddy!" I moaned while he was driving himself deep in me. I was starting to feel an orgasm come on. I then started to dig my nails into his back while his thrusts became deeper and harder. Just then he and I came at the same time. We fell back onto the couch in my office. Just then there was a knock at the front door. "I got it!"Nalani yelled from the living room.

Nalani's POV
I could hear Mommy and Tyler's sex session all way upstairs so I decided to put in my headphones. Just then there was a knock at the front door and immediately knew it was Uncle Randy. I went to open the door and to my surprise is was.....

Haha cliffhanger.😝 I love these things😍 My next chapter should be out within a couple of hours or tomorrow.🤔

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