Chritmas Day PT 1

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Nalani's POV

It was 8:30 in the morning and I was running around the house like a maniac. I first woke up Jaime by yelling in her ear, which resulted in a smack to the face. I then woke up Eissa by tickling him. He turned a bright red. Then I woke up Uncle Gil and TT. Finally we all went in Momma's room and jumped on her bed. She woke up and yelled at all of us. "What the hell is wrong with you little jerks? I am lying here trying to sleep and you dumbos jump on the bed and wake me up! Gil and Tina y'all asses are lucky I half way like you. Jaime, Nalani, and Eissa, you got 10 seconds to run!" She yelled. With that being said we all took off running. " 5..4..3..2..and 1!" Momma got out of bed and began chasing Eissa. She caught him. Then she came in my room and checked everywhere but under the bed. She walked out of my room and began heading down the hall to Jaime's room. I yelled "Jaime she's coming your way!" Momma screamed and I heard Jaime laughing. I then came out from under my bed. I walked into the hall way and saw TT and Uncle Gil on the floor rolling. Momma looked at me and I knew I was in trouble. She got up and slowly inched closer and closer to me. I took the liberty to run down the steps. She chased after me. I began to run onto the kitchen and she followed close behind. I was on one side of the island and she was on the other. I then heard a knock at the door and I laughed. Momma turned towards the door and said "This ain't over!" She pointed at me then walked towards the door. And opened it. I then heard a loud exhale. I poked my head and saw Poppa Smurf.

Their conversation(JJ- Janet JD- Jermaine)

JJ "What Jermaine?"
JD "I just came hear to give the kids their Christmas gifts."
JJ "Kids! Jermaine is here."
End of conversation
I walked from around the corner and Jaime came downstairs with Eissa on her hip. TT and Uncle Gil quickly followed after Jaime. Uncle Gil quickly moved Jaime out of the way and lunged at Poppa Smurf. He hit him, they then fell to the floor and began tussling. TT took Eissa from Jaime and she grabbed Jaime and they went upstairs. I sat there shocked, Momma grabbed Uncle Gil and drug him, but Jermaine kept on hitting him. I grabbed Jermaine and he swung at Uncle Gil, but he hit me. I felt this pain in my eye. My eye began getting heavy and so did my body. I heard Momma yell and then everything went black. I woke up to a bright light in my eye. I quickly sat up. Momma pushed me back down.
"No! Lye down. You got hit pretty damn hard." I looked around and asked "Who hit me and for what? I didn't do anything did I?" Momma started to tear up. "No baby, Uncle Gil and Jermaine were fighting, Jermaine tried to hit Gil and accidentally hit you. You weren't able to handle the pressure and passed out." I chuckled a little "Well the explains the throbbing in my head and my black eye." Everyone laughed a little. I then sat up a little and looked around. "He's downstairs." Momma said. I looked at her and asked "Who?" She looked at me with the "duh" look, "Uncle Gil. He feels bad. He thinks it is his fault. But we can't control who Jermaine hit." She said. "Okay enough! Can we go downstairs and open some gifts?" I said while laughing. We got up and went downstairs to see everyone come in and rush over to me. They all gave me a hug, a wrapped box, and a kiss. Then Uncle Mike came over and looked at me weird. He asked "What the hell happened to your eye? It was not like that when I came over a few days ago!" He kinda yelled. I looked at Momma and she nodded. I took a deep breath and said " Uncle Gil and Jermaine were fighting. Jermaine swung and hit me." I released my breath. I could see all my boy cousins and uncles get mad. " Oh! Hell! No! First he put his hands on my baby sister, then my niece! He got me fucked up!" Uncle Randy yelled.

*****************To be continued..*******************

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