Making Up pt2

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Janet's POV

Janet: Hi I'm Janet Perry here to see my husband.
Lady:  Name please?
Janet: Tyler Perry. Checked in by Gil Duldalaho.
Lady: I see it right here Mrs. Perry. Mr. Perry is in the 3rd floor, room 34.
Janet: Thank you so much!
I rushed to the elevator and got on. While on the elevator I said a silent prayer for Tyler to be okay.
I got off the elevator and wen to the door and knocked on the door.
Tyler's POV
Gil and I were sittling the room, when there was a knock at the door. Gil got up and opened the door and it was my baby. She got in the bed with me and snuggled into my chest.

Janet: I am sorry baby. I didn't mean to hurt you.

Tyler: No don't apologize. It's my fault. I know how you feel about certain things but I chose to throw them back in my face. I know how you feel about the children in the argument, or even hearing them. So I apologize, that shit wasn't cool at all baby. I am sorry, I love you.

Janet: I love you too and I accept your apology. But know do that shit again I'm going I'm going to kick your ass. Then call Gil.

Gil: Yeah and I going to kick your ass hurt my queen again. And Janet I'm going to kick your ass you hurt Daddy like that again. Then I'm going to kick both of your asses again scaring my nieces like that. They called me 10 times each. Alright love you bye. *Leaves out the room*

Tyler and Janet:  I love you. Jinx! Double jinx! Triple Jinx!

Tyler: Fine you win. What you want?

Janet: * whispers in his ear*

Tyler:  *smirks* Alright I can leave later. We can do that and so much more.

Janet: Alright Daddy!

Janet's POV
Tyler was discharged from the hospital. We left and I sped all the way home. He opened the door to the house and we rushed to the bedroom. We did the nasty, as Jossie says, and went to bed.

Sorry for the long wait. I've been working hard af in school. And I honestly am starting to get bored with the book. So I might delete this and work on other stories.🤷‍♂️🤷🏽‍♀️🤐✌🏾

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