Why God?

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It was 2 in the morning when I heard yelling. I thought it was just Eissa crying, being a baby and all. Then I heard it again and it was pleading. I heard Jaime's voice. "Oh! Hell! No!" I thought to myself. I went in my bag and grabbed my taser, then made my to Jaime's room. I went in the room and was mortified. It was some random man inside of Jaime. I ran over and tased him. He fell in shock and electrified. I climbed on top and began pounding him in the face. Each time was harder than the one previous. Jaime was crying and I was beating the crap out of the guy. Momma and Poppa Smurf walked in. Poppa Smurf pulled me off the guy and  cuffed him. Momma, Jaime, and I walked to my room and sat on the bed. Jaime began to cry, that is when I truly I knew something with my Best Friend because she never cried. Unless getting a bad grade or being in trouble. I climbed to the other side of the bed and gave her a big hug. Momma then joined in. We sat there for a while. I went to let go and Jaime held on tighter. She looked at me and said "Can I please stay here with you tonight?" I looked at her while tears filled my eyes. "Of course you can!" I said as my voice broke. Poppa Smurf then walked in with Eissa and said, "Jaime, if you would like we can press charges against him." I looked at Jaime and she  nodded. Eissa began crying and reached for Jaime.! She began crying harder. " Yes, that will help a lot." Then suddenly I awoke from this horrible dream. I looked around with the worst feeling in my gut. In walked down the hall to Jaime's room and cuddled with her. She looked in my direction and said "What is the matter? You don't ever just come in my room and cuddle unless something is wrong." I giggled. "That's not true! I just love my Best Friend!" I could tell she was rolling her eyes. "Seriously what is it?" I looked in her direction and said " You promise you won't tell Momma," she nodded "Alright. I had this dream where I woke up and heard you crying. I walked in your room, and saw you being raped. Then the man rapping  you, I beat the crap out of him. Then Poppa Smurf and Momma walked in an broke us up. We walked to my room and you began crying." I started crying. Jaime hugged me tighter. "Listen, Lani nothing like that will ever happen to me or you. I won't let it. Neither will Poppa Smurf, Momma, TT, Uncle Gil, Pops, or anyone else. Okay?" I nodded. We fell asleep like this together.

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