My Daughter pt 1

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Janet's POV

It has been awhile since the whole Christmas incident with Jermaine, Gil, and Nalani. She has also been staying with me for awhile. I have been talking to Levi about her staying with me and going to a new school up here. He isn't really feeling the idea. Today we fly back to Philly and I leave her with her father. I will really miss her.

"Alright Lani!Let's go I don't feel like hearing your father's mouth. You know how he is when people are late." I yelled upstairs.

"I know Momma. Here I come!"She responded.

I got Eissa and called Tyler. Yes, Tyler Perry. That is my new boo. Anyway I called him. (T:Tyler J:Janet)

J:Hey, Baby how are you?
T: Hey Jan! What are you doing right now baby.
J: Nothing much. Getting ready to take Lani back to Philly. How bout you?
T: Oh dang!I know you're gonna break down. Want me to ride with you baby.
J: Yes. I need the emotional support right now.
T: Alright I'm on my way. We go a few rounds after that too. That's if you don't want Eissa hearing you call to "Daddy".
I giggled.
J: I mean he won't be there so he won't have to hear.

I heard Nalani and Eissa in the background arguing.

J: Alright baby. Talk to you when you get here.
T:Alright baby, bye. Love you!
J:Love you too babe. Bye.

With that being said we hung up

"Giberlryahfn!" Eissa yelled
"I ain't even try to hear all that! Do you wanna fight!"Nalani yelled and Eissa began going to town on her. "Hey! Hey! That's your sister. No hitting. You will not hit women. If I ever find out your hitting women I'm gonna beat your ass. You hear me boy?"
I yelled to my toddler. "Giberlryahfn. Yes Momma."Eissa responded. "Alright now go watch TV with Lani until Uncle Tyler come." I said. It is so cute because whenever I say Uncle Tyler his face lights up.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the doorbell ringing. "I got it!" Lani yelled.

Lani POV
"I got it!" I yelled to Momma. I went to the and said "Who is it?!" In a deep voice, then peeped through the peep hole "It's Tyler." I heard my mom's boyfriend Tyler say. "Yay!" I thought to myself. I instantly swung open the door and jumped in his arms. "Hi Tyler! How are you?" I asked. He wrapped his arms around me. "I'm good Dunkin. How are you?"
He asked. "I'm doing good. Momma's this way!" I said. I then walked into the Living Room where Momma and Eissa were.  "Mommy, Uncle Tyler's here." I said sarcastically. She shot me a look and Tyler chuckled a little. Before Momma could even reach Tyler, Eissa hopped up and ran to him. "Hi Tyler! Giberlryahfn. Ghjaek." He said. I laughed to myself. "Yeah! I know she had the nerve. I know you would never do that." Tyler said. I looked confused and looked at Momma.

Janet's POV

Lani looked at me and I could tell she was trying not to cry. "Come walk me to the kitchen Lani." I said. She responded "Yes Ma'am." She got from by the entrance way and walked to the kitchen with me. "What's wrong my baby?" I asked. Once I said "my baby" she bust out crying. " Momma I don't want to leave. What will I do without you, Eissa, Uncle Gil, TT and Tyler. I will miss you so much." She sobbed. I looked at her and said "I know but you can't stay with me. I'm about to go back on tour and you'll be missing school." She looked up at me "I know and I don't care! I can be home schooled like Kyn and Tay. Plus I don't have any friends in Philly. Jaime just abandoned me and started a whole bunch of romours about me. I can't deal with any more bullying." She looked so sincere. "Alright don't cry my baby. Let me talk to your father about it." I sighed. She wiped her eyes and walked out of the Kitchen. She came from downstairs with a lot of bags. Some clothes, some shoes, and some just phone accessories all from Christmas. "You are so spoiled." I laughed. We got in the car and went to the airport. I we went to my plane and took off.

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