The show

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We arrived to Wells Fargo Center and the energy was through the roof. Jaime and I waited out front while my dad parked. We went in the auditorium and immediately went backstage due to our passes. I caught a glimpse of Janet and she turned around, then suddenly her mouth dropped. I turned around and saw my father blushing. "Dad you know Janet Jackson?" I looked confused and so did Jaime . "Yes, Janet and I have some history." He smiled. Janet came over and gave my dad a huge hug and asked how he was doing. My dad just said he was doing fine and the usual. Janet looked over at Jaime and I. She hugged me and began to introduce herself. I cut her off and said "I know who you are. You are Janet, Ms. Jackson if your nasty!" She blushed and my dad elbowed me. "What! I couldn't help it!" I turned and looked at Janet and said "I've been listening to you since I was 9 years old!" Janet laughed and pointed to Jaime. "Who is this?" she asked in a sweet voice. "I'm Jaime! Nalani's best friend." She elbowed me. She and Jaime shook hands. Jaime nearly fainted. "Where you guys sitting?" She asked. "Up on the balcony!" My father said "Not anymore!" she turned and called her security over. " Joey, they are not to go back into the auditorium. They are going to sit backstage because they are very close friends of mine." She smiled. Janet then walked away and entered the stage. We walked backstage and enjoyed the show.

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