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I went to open the door and to my surprise is was Rene, mother's ex husband. I went to say something then everything went black. I screamed once he hit me.

Janet's POV
I heard Nalani scream and it went silent. I immediately rushed out if the office. I went into the living room and the front door was wide open. I ran back in the office and grabbed my phone. "What happened?" Tyler asked as he saw me panicking. "Nalani....." I said on the verge of tears."What happened with Nalani?" He asked. "..... She's gone!" I said as I broke down. I picked up the phone and called all my brothers and Gil. "Hey Dunk. What's up?" Michael and Marlon asked in unison. "Code Blue! Code Blue!" I yelled into the phone. "Oh shit! Rene came to your house and kidnapped Nalani?" Jermaine asked. "Yes. Please come over so we can find her. I can't lose her I just got her back." I said crying into the phone. "Alright Dunk we're are our way." Randy said. "Open the door. I'm outside Queen." Gil said. "Alright I'll talk to you when you get here. I said into the phone. I then went to the door and let Gil in. Soon as he walked in he embraced me. I broke down. Five minutes later there was a knock at the door. Tyler went to open it. SMACK! I heard a slap. I ran into the living room to see Rene laying in the floor. I instantly stared to kick him. Gil pulled me off of him. He smirked slyly " I know where your gorgeous daughter is bitch!"  Just then my brothers walked into the house. "Dunk we're here!" Tito yelled. "I'm in the kitchen!" I yelled out of breath. They all came running into the kitchen. "Damn El Nacho already here. I thought we was going to have to go on a man hunt to find you." Randy said while laughing. Rene went into his pocket and grabbed his phone. I snatched it out of his hand and put in the password. It was my birthday, he is so obsessed. A video of Nalani and some other male popped up on his phone. The male was rubbing all on Nalani and I could tell she was scared. The male moved the camera and pointed it at Nalani's face. She had blood dripping all down her face. There was then a picture in the background that I noticed. It was the photo Rene had taken of me during a shoot and hung it up in our house we lived in while we were married.  I then looked at Randy. "I know where she is! She is at the guest house of our old home. The one we were living in when I was younger!" I exclaimed. " Alright that's where we're going." Tito said. We all began to rush out of the house. "Wait! Tyler, Gil and Joey can you stay here with Eissa and Rene? Please I have to go get my baby back." They all looked at me and nodded. As I turned I felt a smack in my ass. "Be safe!" Tyler and Gil yelled at the same time. I left out and got into the truck with my brothers.

Nalani's POV
I was in this random house. It looked as if Mother and someone had once lived here. It was this older guy there with me since Rene had left. I began to doze off when all of a sudden the man slapped me. My head snapped to the side. "Did I say you could sleep bitch?" He asked aggressively. I quickly nodded my head side from side. I began to cry. "Damn you look just like Janet. Now I see why your father kept you to himself. He was fucking you wasn't he?" He asked as he mean mugged me. I sat there crying. He smacked me again this time harder than before. " Answer my question!" He yelled in my face. I shook my head side to side again. I couldn't talk cause they had my.mouth tapped shut. Just as I began crying harder and he started to remove his pants, Mother and my Uncles bust through the door. We were in the bedroom. He ripped the tape off of my mouth and said " Yell and I'll fucking kill you!" I took a deep breath and yelled as loud as I could "Mommy I'm in the room." Smack! He slapped me across the face over and over until someone pulled him off of me. It was Uncle Randy, he untied me and hugged me. "I found her guys!" He yelled and turned back to me "You okay Lani Bug?" He asked me. I nodded. I started crying again. By this time Mommy and my Uncles were all in the room. Mother then grabbed me and hugged for what seemed like ever. Then she let go and looked at me with tears in her eyes. "See your father was right. I was too busy with Tyler to notice you. I think it would be best if you go back with you father. If you stay I don't know how I could sit in the same room as you everyday and not blame myself for letting this happen." She cried. "No I'm not going back with him. I don't want to. This isn't your fault Mommy. We didn't know it was going to happen. All I have is a few bruises. I'll be alright. Soon as you go back on tour I'll have a tutor and work on school. Then I could help with Eissa while you're on stage and at rehearsal. But I am not going back to my father." I said as I stood up. Uncle Marlon grabbed my hand and walked me to the car. We all packed into the car and headed home. Once at home I went upstairs to my bathroom and took a nice long shower. I then went into my closet and pulled out my black joggers from Pink, a black sports bra and panties set, and a too big shirt and got dressed. My legs and arms were still sore from being tied to the chair. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a snack. Uncle Randy had took Eissa for the week. So I went downstairs to Mom's studio and recorded me singing one of her songs. As I sang the chorus of the song I began crying. Mother then came in and stopped the track. "Come on baby girl. You sounded amazing. Why don't we take a break and get something to eat." She said. "Alright." I said and ran to my room. I went in my closet and got a hoodie. We then went into the garage and got in her Benz. She asked if I wanted to drive I nodded my head yes. I then speed downtown to Burger King. I parked the car and got out. She looked at me, "What are you doing I can't get out like this. I'm not dressed." She said pointing to her outfit. " Neither am I. Come on Mommy. I'm hungry!" I whined. "Alright stop acting like Eissa." She said. We went into the place hand and hand.
Cashier: Hi! How may I take your order?
Me: Hold on a second.
Cashier: Take your time.
Me: I take a Whooper Jr., an Oreo Milkshake, Medium Fries and a Cinnabon. How about you Mommy?
Mommy: I'll have the same thing but in separate bags.
Cashier: Alright name please?
Mommy: Janet.
The cashier looked up at us.
Cashier: OMG! You're Janet Jackson and Nalani Jackson! OMG! You two are mother and daughter goals. Can I take a picture with you please.
Mommy: Sorry but we're not dressed.
Me: Yes of course.
We went to get in the photo. We all smiled.
The cashier insisted on paying,and I was totally fine with that. But Mommy tipped $350 dollars. When then got our food and left out of Burger King. Mother drove home because she said I sped all way there. We then went into my room and watched Why Did I Get Married my favorite movie of all time. Mommy then insisted we watch the second one too. So we did. We sat in my bed and watched movies all night. She eventually fell asleep in my bed, so I just snuggled into her chest and went to sleep.

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