Wait, What!

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"Janet and I want to tell you something." He paused and took a deep breath.

I looked at him and tilted my head to the side. Like he and I do when we are confused. "What do you guys have to tell me?" I asked. He looked at Janet and she nodded. "Nalani, remember when you asked me where the Jackson in your name comes from?" He asked. "Yea, and what does that have to do with anything?" I said and looked at Janet, then my dad, then Jaime. "Well the Jackson comes from Janet. You know as her being your real mom." He said as he sighed in relief knowing the burden had been lifted off his shoulders. But that was the thing it was lifted off his and placed on mine. I looked at him with so much disappointment in my eyes. I felt my eyes water up and I just ran down the hall to the bathroom. "Wait! Na!" Jaime called to me. She began running down the hall after me. I felt myself struggling to breathe because I get like that when crying. She walked into the bathroom and placed my head on her chest and I began to cry even harder. Janet then walked in and asked Jaime could she speak to me alone. "Listen, Nalani I know this hurts really bad. Being that I'm your mom and everything else. But when I was pregnant with you, I just wasn't ready for kids. So your dad offered to take you until I was ready. I let him, and came to visit every single month up until your 10th birthday. I stopped visiting because I was afraid you were going to go to the media and say I was your mom and damage my reputation. I'm so, so sorry Nalani." She hugged me tightly. I looked up at her and said "I would never in my entire life want to hurt your career. Janet you are my idol and now my mother." She began to cry and hold me. "Plus, I remember you, as my Auntie Janet." Then I giggled. Next there was a small knock at the door. It was my dad. I looked up at him and then began to cry. I slowly rose up off the ground and ran and hugged my dad. "I wished you wouldn't have lied to me. The only thing that hurt me was you lying, saying my mother abandoned me. When all along, all she did was say she was someone else." I looked at Janet and signaled for to come join our hug. She rose up and hugged us. "Well since you're my mom, can I come stay with you over winter break?" I looked at her with puppy dog eyes and poked out my bottom lip. "Only if you bring Jaime, because you can't just leave her out." Jaime poked her head in the door and said "I heard my name." I let go of my mom and dad, then went and hugged Jaime. "Happy Birthday goof! Oh and we're staying with Janet over the winter break." I said as I playfully kissed her cheek. "Ughhhh! You know, I hate when you do that stupid stuff. Oh and thanks you goof. Also, yayyyyyy!" She squealed in my ear. We ran down the hall and found Eissa. "Hey, little man! I'm your big sister Nalani! Can you say Nalani?" I said in a baby voice to him. My mom, it sounds weird saying that. But any way my mom and dad walked in and smiled. Eissa looked at our mommy and giggled and said "Nalani!" She stood there big eyed. "What is it mom?" I asked. She looked at me and said "That's his first word. Can you say mommy for me baby." He lookednand said "Nalani!"

To be continued....

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