Poppa Smurf and Momma

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We stopped singing and burst out laughing. Jaime was laughing hysterically then looked at me with watery eyes. Jaime and I started crying, and Momma looked at us nervously. "What's so funny?" She asked.  I looked at Momma and said "Because Jaime and I don't believe this is really happening. Like come on, its not everyday you go to a Janet Jackson concert, personally have your seats updated by the queen herself, and then find she is your mother and spend winter break with her." She nodded in agreement. So Momma when do I get to meet Grandpa, Grandma, and the rest of the Jackson clan?" She looked at me and giggled. "Christmas morning. And don't say the "Jackson clan", you make it sound like there is a million of us!" I laughed and said "From we researched there is!" Jaime and I high-fived and laughed. We finally arrived at the house and my jaw dropped. "This is your house momma?" I asked amazed. "Just the one in California." She responded. Jaime and I got our things, while Momma  and Eissa continued ahead. I saw Poppa Smurf and TT come out the house. I ran up to TT and gave her a big hug and so did Eissa and Jaime. She hugged back and said " How are TT's babies. I got you three presents and each of you get to open one today! Okay?" We nodded and continued into the house. Poppa Smurf looked at us and said " Well dang! I can't get no love?" We all giggled and Jaime and I looked at each other and ran over. We tackled him to the ground and Eissa joined in. We finally got up and Momma kissed him. "Well I am glad my baby and babies all get along!" She went in for another kiss, but Poppa pulled back and said "Not in front of the kids, Jay." She looked at us then him and said " Well it ain't nothing none f these kids have not seen before." We giggled and nodded in agreement. TT came into the room, being though I didn't notice she left. Anyway she gave Jaime and I each a medium size wrapped box. While giving Eissa a large sized box. Jaime and I ripped open our boxes and found another wrapped box. Eissa opened his and began giggling. We turned and saw he had a Little Tikes bike. Poppa Smurf took it and put it together. Eissa began riding it around the house. Anyway Jaime and I turned back to our boxes and began ripping open the second box open. We found an iPhone 7 plus for each of us. We ran over to TT and gave her a hug, then ran over to Momma and gave her a hug. I whispered to Momma and said "Thank You! For just being the best Momma I have ever had the past month and years." A few tears slipped out of my eyes and began crying. Jaime came over and gave me a hug. Eissa came over and said "Sissy, Why you crying?" Then tilted his head he seen me doing it often. She kissed my forehead and handed me and Jaime each a key and phone case. We look and realized it was to the house. Then it was a case so my phone didn't look like the phone I had previously. I ran over and set up my phone. Momma said in the morning we could go to T Mobile and set up the phone. With that being said TT left and Momma, Poppa Smurf and Eissa went to the master bedroom. Then Jaime and I went to our rooms.

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