Family Day Pt 3

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Janet's POV

I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Tyler with Lani and Autumn. They were talking about something, probably Aubs' melt down. I went to the table where they were sitting, then sat on Tyler's lap. I whispered in his ear, "Can I talk to you for a sec?" He nodded his head. "Alone." I got up, then he got up and I got on his back. He carried me upstairs and opened our bedroom door. He threw me on the bed playfully. I laughed and sat up, then he started tickling me, which resulted me laughing harder. He started kissing on me and I kissed back. Things started getting heated. I pulled away and patted his chest.
Conversation Mode( T: Tyler J: Janet)
J: We need to talk.
T: About?
J: Aubs and Autumn.
T: What about them?
J: Are they related? I believe they are and so does Aubrey.
T: *sighs* Can we talk later?
J: No, I suggest you talk to me first because them girls are no going be as forgiving as me.
T: That's what I'm afraid of. I understand you'll forgive me. It the girls who aren't going to be as open.
J: That's the thing. These girls have went 13 years without know of the other twin. You have to tell them Tyler.
T: Fine! I'll fining tell them Janet! Everything we do is for you! The whole family revolves Janet fucking Jackson!
J: Wow! That's how you feel Tyler? *gets choked up* I'm doing the for our daughters, your daughters! I have done my fucking best to my fucking beliefs aside for this family. I barely see my son, my only boy, your daughters don't even know they are twins or that the other fucking exist! My daughter Lani is 15 and this is her first time spending the night with me, spending holidays with me or even fucking coming over! Everything you just said is some bullshit. So how am I selfish?! *letting years fall*
T: How are you not fucking selfish?! Everything you just said revolves around you and your children!
J: You know what Tyler?
T:*getting in face* What?
J: Fuck you! You're so ignorant! I am trying to help AUBREY AND AUTUMN learn more about themselves. Aubrey doesn't know that you are her fucking dad or that Autumn is her twin sister. Autumn doesn't know her mother or even know that she has a sibling. I thought the Jacksons were disfunctional. Y'all have us beat and there are only 3 if y'all and whole lot of us!
T: Janet, fuck YOU and your thoughts about ME AND MINE!
J: Wow! How about my kids and I get out your hair. I never needed you or anyone else to take care of me and mine! YOU told me YOU could do it. YOU said OUR children would never brought into any of OUR arguments. But just like Joesph said promises are made to be broken. *opens door and yells* Lani and Aubrey pack your things we're going to Uncle Mike's house.
T: * closes door* So you're not taking Autumn?
J: Nope! Once you said fuck you and your thoughts about me.and mine! Autumn became no longer mine. You know what Tyler? I will take her, you can stay here and think about what the fuck you said about us. Now get out the way so I can pack my stuff. * Opens door.and Tyler steps in front of exit* Move
T: No.
T: No.
T: No! You are NOT leaving!
J: God damnit Tyler what do you want? You said everything revolves around me or mine. What more damage can you do? You already threatened my character! You know what you can do?
T: What?
J: You can slap me around and call me a slut, hoe, bitch, or tramp and so much more! Go ahead and join the fucking club!
T: Janet you know I would never do those things. Come in you know me.
J: No I don't know that! The Tyler I know and fell hard for doesn't scream fuck you at his fiance. Or talk about my children, our children. Now move so I can go to my brother's house.
T: *steps out the way*
J: Come on girls. Autumn are you coming with me or your daddy?
Autumn: With you Mommy.
J: Alright let's go.

Tyler's POV
I followed them to the door and watch them get into the car. Janet looked at me a final time and drove down the driveway. I watched until the truck disappeared down the road.
I dropped to my knees and began yelling and hitting myself. "You always do this Tyler! You always mess up something great!" I yelled in full blown tears. Gil pulled up to the house and rushed over to me. " What happened Tyler? Where is Booty?" I cried harder " She left! She took my girls and left!" I yelled. He helped me up and into the house. We got to the room and I started throwing shit. I was was throwing any and everything in sight. I finally broke down and dropped on the bed. I laid there and then everything went black!!!!

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