SOTW Europe Leg

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Nalani's POV
So today starts the European leg of the tour.  We are all going on tour with Mom. Autumn and I start our home schooling today. And Tyler watches Eissa. And also Tyler did propose to Mommy and she said Yes obviously. So we are on tour, and Momma is getting married again. Also Autumn started calling Mom, Mommy. It was so shocking when she first said it. Also Mommy is soon going to take a break from her European tour to go to the Bronx NY to adopt a little girl. I am so excited to have another little sister. But for Eissa, I don't think he is feeling the idea. It took him a while to actually adjust to Autumn which is weird because when I came around it was totally different. It was like he knew me for years. But anyway I was backstage doing last minute homework my tutor gave me before Taylor came over and snatched the pencil from me. "Come on bih. We gon be late for rehearsal." She said, I looked at her like she was crazy, "What are you talking about? I'm staying backstage to help Tyler with Eissa." She shook her head no. "No! Mama J sent me back here to come get you and Autumn. Y'all are performing with us tonight!" She said extremely excited. I laughed "Stop lying Tay! And give me my pencil, so I can finish my homework." She shook her head. "Kyndallllll!" Kyndall came running over, "What! I'mma be late for rehearsal and so are you two. BTW Lani you do know you performing with us tonight? Right?" I nodded, "Tay just told me. Lemme change my clothes so I can rehearse with you guys." I ran to the dressing room and changed into sweats, an Adidas tee, and my Puma women shoes. I then threw my hair in a bun and ran to the stage and started warming up. Autumn came a little after me. After about a hour of two of rehearsal, it was time to perform. Autumn and I put on our costumes and went backstage, so we could say a quick prayer. Momma prayed and ran to the stage. We followed behind her and got in our spots. We performed Rhythm Nation, Escapade, Miss You Much, part of  The Knowledge, and a few other songs. It was then time for the band and dancer introductions. Momma introduces everyone except me and Autumn finally it was our turn. "Last but not least! My babies! Autumn and Nalani!" she yelled and me and Autumn ran up to her and tackled her. She got up laughing. "Guys! These are really my babies. This is my eldest daughter Nalani. And my youngest daughter Autumn. But wait. Tyler where is Eissa?" Tyler came from backstage with Eissa in his arms. He put him down and Eissa ran right to me. I handed him to Mommy. "Guys this is my youngest baby. This is Eissa!" She yelled into the mic and Eissa started crying. I took him from Mommy and he stopped. The crowd ohhed and aweed. He was truly adorable.
****** 1 month later******
Autumn's POV
We are a month into the tour. Lani and I have been working on school and the tour. Mommy originally said we were going to perform for only one night. Something happened and we ended up dancing the whole time. But right now we have a little break and we are staying at Mommy's London home. She is actually getting ready to go to The Bronx to adopt a little sister. Daddy walked into my room and said " Hey! Come say bye to Mommy she is leaving." I nodded and got out of bed. I put on my slippers and walked to the living room where Mommy, Eissa and Nalani were all sitting. I went over and sat in Mommy's lap. "Bye Mommy. I'm going to miss you." I said as I kissed he cheek. She kissed my forehead. "I'll miss you too Baby girl." I blushed a little. Janet really welcomed me with open arms. She accepted me and treats me as if I am really her daughter. And I feel she is really my Mom. She got up and kissed Eissa and Nalani's foreheads as well. She walked over to my Dad and sat in his lap. They started kissing and Nalani and I cleared our throats. "Ewwww!" Me and Eissa said together. It was funny because Eissa really didn't like me at first, but I guess he got used to me. Lani in the other hand loved me immediately. Mommy then got up and walked to the door. " Bye babies. I'll miss you." She said fake crying. We all laughed and blew kisses. She walked out the door.

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