The Truth

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Nalani's POV
So Momma is picking us up from Neverland Ranch. Once she got in the house we all ran to her and hugged her."Dang I was just here yesterday!" Her and Uncle Mike giggled. We laughed too. "It just seems so longg since we've seen you Mommy!" Autumn exaggerated. "Alright girls come we got to get home and have a family meeting." She said. Me all walked away to get our bags, and then met back up in the living room. We then said our goodbyes to Uncle Mike and our cousin Paris and Bigi.
Janet's POV
The girls and I got into the car and Joey pulled off. "How is Tyler doing?" Nalani asked. "He is doing good. He is actually at the house would like to speak to you girls." I answered. Aubrey's face scrunched up. "What do he wanna talk to us fo?" She asked with her New York accent peaking through." Well, because he is your father and would like to speak to his daughters." I responded. "Autumn he must wanna speak to you, because he ain't me and Lani daddy!" She said rolling her neck a little. "I don't know about that!" I mumbled to myself. "Speak up!" Nalani said mocking me. I gave her the look and she instantly shut up. The rest if the ride home was quite awkward. We finally arrived home and the girls scattered throughout the house to their rooms. They had to pack for the SOTW2 Tour in few days.
Tyler's POV
I heard the girls enter the house and scatter to their rooms. I took a deep breaths and called everyone to the family room. We all emerged from different parts of the house into the family room.  We all sat down waiting for one person, Aubrey, to come down the hall. She came in the room mean mugged me and then flopped on the couch.  Lani chuckled and Janet popped her, then she stopped. I took a deep breathe, looked at Autmn and said " Aubrey is you twin sister." Her mouth fell a gap and Aubrey sat forward. I turned to Aubrey and said, "That means you my daughter Aubrey." Aubrey got up and stormed out the room. Lani then got up and followed Aubrey.

Aubrey's POV
After Tyler said what he said to me I got up and left, while Lani followed suit. We went to my room and I slammed the door. I sat down on the bed and broke down. Lani came over and embraced me. After I took a minute to gather myself, she spoke up." Wanna talk about?" I shook my head, "Lanibean, to be completely honest I knew all along I just don't know how to feel since I finally heard the words come from his mouth." She sighed.  "I know how you feel. I felt the same when my father told me Janet was my mother." I shook my head. "No, Nalani it's different. You had your father. My mother left me and did God knows what. My father left me and acted like I didn't exist for years. But the thing that hurt me most is he let my mother leave me and keep Autumn!" I started crying again. "Just because my father was there physically and financially doesn't mean a damn thing! He wasn't there emotionally. He didn't know what to do with a kid. I had to grow up and help him raise me." Lani said. She hugged me and asked " Can you do me a favor?" I nodded and snickered. "Can you go hear that man out?" I shrugged.

Autumn's POV
After Aubrey and Lani walked out, Mommy and Daddy sat still. I looked at Daddy and said "How can you just sit here and say that like it doesn't change our while life and outlook on things!" He shrugged, "To be honest it kills me to see Aub so upset, but I had to do what I had to." What he said just made my blood boil and I snapped. "You doing what you had to do had to involve my innocent sister as an orphan? Or as my mother a damn drunk? Yeah did tell Janet your real back story. That it was your idea to put Aubrey up for adoption.  You hurt my mother that she drunk herself to death. You are nothing but a selfish, greedy, dumb bastard. I HATE you!" I yelled as I went upstairs and slammed my door. Aubrey and Lani came upstairs and opened the door.  I hugged Aubs "Sorry Aubrey. I know that shit hurts and the fucked up part is that I knew and acted clueless." She nodded and said "It wasn't your job to tell me. Your not my father or are you?" She joked. I laughed and shook my head "No dummy!" She hugged me  again and we both said I love you to each other.  Lani came over and hugged us both and said " I love both you bitches." Aubrey and I laughed and said " We love you too big sister!" I let go and said " Well I have to go downstairs and apologize." Lani laughed and said "Yeah I heard all that cussing. Next time you better hope Momma don't pop you in your shit right then and there."

Janet's POV
All three of my babies came downstairs. I got up and hugged a the twins. Autumn looked up at me and said, "Momma I'm sorry for my language. Next time don't hesitate to pop me." I laughed and let them go. They all turned towards Tyler. Aubrey talked first. "Though I did not and will not hear you out. I accept you apology. I will not forget, but I am willing to forgive and move forward. I love you daddy!" Tyler smiled and his eyes started to water. Autumn then spoke, "Daddy though I meant everything I said. You know except for the 'I hate you' part. I want to apologize for yelling and cussing at you. I love you Daddy!" Nalani then spoke, I don't know why but I wanna hear this. "Tyler I wanna say wow! Your babies are crazy," she snickered "I wanna say thank you. Thank you for my beautiful sisters. Thank for loving my Mom and making her happy. Thank you for taking in Eissa as your own. I know if he were here he would agree. Thank you for taking me under your wing and guiding me. Thank you for filling in for my ungrateful father. What I am saying is I love you Dad!" With that being said Tyler broke down.  I started crying as well. He and I went over to our Princesses. "I love you three with all my heart." He said still crying. Next thing I knew all my babies except Eissa were in my bed sleeping peacefully. I cuddled in with Tyler and went to sleep.

We're getting close to the end of this book and the beginning of a new story. Thank you all for the love and support. I am honestly sorry for all the long delays. Ttyl😍❤❤❤

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