My Daughter pt 2

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Nalani's  POV

I walked up to my door with Momma, Tyler and Joey following close behind. I unlocked my door and paced myself for the worst argument of my life. And all of it is about me! I walked into the door and heard my father yelling. "Janet and Lani is that you?" I responded "Yeah Dad it's us!" I looked at Tyler. My dad came downstairs. "Hey baby girl how was.." he looked at Tyler "Why is he here?" He asked Momma. She responded so fast "Because I asked him to come. Problem?" My dad looked Momma up and down then Tyler. "Nah! It's good. How it's going man?" He stuck out his hand and Tyler shook it. They then had a little friendly conversation. Momma cleared her throat. "Well I'm going to cut right to the chase. I want Nalani to live with me. And she doesn't want to stay up here and be bullied." My dad looked at Momma then me. He shook his head no. "No she's not going anywhere. Lani is goin to stay here with me and get through it. She doesn't have a choice. Now you and Tyler can gladly exit." My Momma looked at him as if he had three heads. " First of all, she does have a choice. Secondly, I will not allow my child to stay somewhere she does not want to be. Lastly, if I want her to come with me then she surely can go with me. Point, blank, period." She said that and rolled her neck. I chuckled a little. My dad looked at Momma and said," I said she not going anywhere. Now you want her, we can go to court. But until then she remains in Philly." My mom grabbed my hand. " See this girl right here. Mine. If she wants to stay here she can. But if she wanna come with me then she can. It's her choice. Plus she is my daughter. Now Lani where do you wanna stay. With me on tour or with your father in Philly?" I looked at Momma then my dad. I took a deep breath and released. " Sorry Daddy but I wanna stay with Momma. I don't want to go through what I went through in Atlanta. I don't want to have to watch my back in the hallway, affraid something is going to happen to me." He looked broken. " You know what I don't care. You can stay with her. But when she gets to busy for you don't say I didn't warn you. She is Janet Jackson. She always busy." He looked at me disgusted and went upstairs. I followed behind him to get my stuff. I went in my room and grabbed 3 suitcases. Plus the one I had downstairs. I filled those 3 suitcases cases with all the clothes in my room. I then went downstairs and hugged Momma. She hugged back. Once she hugged back I broke down crying. "He hates that I wanna be with you. He is so used to controlling my life, he can't stand the fact that I stood up to him. For the past 15 years it's been Nalani do this and Nalani you can't do that. I'm tired of it. Let's get out of the hell hole." I sobbed. Momma grabbed my hand while Tyler and Joey grabbed my bags.

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