part 4

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Regina: how?
Maleficent: well think about it! You find my daughter and you prove to people that you care and helped someone reunite with his family.
Regina: I helped you! Nothing changes. They'll start it's maleficent she's helping! There aren't good rumors for you.
Maleficent: Fine! Help me and I'll give you whatever you want.
Regina: Henry! That's what I want. His love and devotion.
Ursula: done! I can help you with that! I won't harm anyone o promise.
Regina: good! I'll start looking for Lilly tomorrow.
Maleficent: thank you! Thank you so much Regina!
Regina: don't thank me... Thank me for not killing you yet.
Regina said that and disappeared in a purple smoke. Next day robin and Henry met in front of the library..
Robin: so how was your wedding?
Henry: it was great. If Regina hadn't show up it'd be better.
Robin: she's your mother kid... Give her another chance!
Henry: you don't know what had happened back then!
Robin: I don't but whatever happened she loves you. All she wants is to be by your side.
Henry: I know her better robin! She's a cold hesrted murderer. All she wants is killing people or make them suffer! She killed your wife.. you know that! How can you be calm when you hear her name?
Robin: I'm a forgiving person!
Henry: well don't be! At the moment I need you to be an assassin and do your job right!
Robin:I will but think about it! When I kill her will you be able to sleep at night while knowing you're the reason your mother died?
Henry: well yes! She took so many lives away! And she killed that... Never mind! I want her dead! She won't cause more harm!
Robin: as you wish
Henry handed over a file to robin.
Henry: the money are inside! I'm paying you to give you push so you'll be great at what you'll do to her!
Robin: thank you sir
Henry: no go! I don't want anyone to suspect us
In the meantime Regina was at her office and was searching possible places that Lilly could be hiding!
Maleficent: found anything?
Regina: nope... There's no way she's been hiding in the forest! It's too dangerous out there and she would surely need supplies. She'd visit town day by day to get new supplies. No one has seen her
Cruela: or no one has ever mentioned anything
(To be continued)

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