Chater 29: connections

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Thanks for the awesome quote! @VndySays

 “You have two people: the saint and the sinner, the librarian and the stripper.”-Anonymous 




I stood hooking my bra back in place and fixing the thong that seemed to want to dig deep into my ass. Chuck, one of my regulars, was standing up tucking his shirt back into his khaki’s. He looked back to at me and cheekily smiled, pushing his glasses up off the bridge of his nose. His face was still red from our recent fuck.

“As always, the sex was fantastic.” I half smiled at his compliment. Looking past how fat he was and the fact that he was twenty years older than me, he was honestly a sweet guy. If he lost about two hundred pounds, got a haircut, and could not ramble on for hours he would be decent enough to get an actual woman by himself.

But I wasn’t here to give him makeover tips. Nah, the only thing that I looked forward to was those four, crisp hundred dollar bills that he seemed to drop in my box every time he left my room.  With that kind of money, I could see past his significant flaw

“Well, I never disappoint.” I boasted. It was the truth. Never, out of the four years that I’ve been here have I had a dissatisfied customer.  But then again they were all loyal.

Chuck grabbed his suit jacket from the floor and headed for the door.

“Next week?” I nodded my head and again he smiled heading out the door and closing it behind him. I let an exasperated sigh and closed my eyes flopping on the bed. Sometimes I had like to think I could be basking in the sun, on a white sandy beach blowing away millions of dollars in early retirement. The idea was so close and almost real, that I could touch the crisp green bills, watch the sand fall from between my fingers and feel the heat of the sun while laid up beside the man he made it all possible.

The sound of the new customers alarm sounded off, making me crash land back into reality. I inwardly groaned. “Kill me now.” I mumbled to myself.

This life wasn’t for me and I was so ready to be on somebody’s plane out of here.

I dragged my feet out the door and to the front of the entrance joining the rest of the girls who were lined up waiting for their next customer. I took my position beside Beatrice who did a once over look at me and smoothed the back of my hair.

“Thanks, girl.” She nodded her head.

Daddy stepped from behind the row of men to standing in the middle with a grin on his face that I wanted to so badly slap away. Everything about this man disgusted me. I wanted to see him rot in hell for the shit that he’s been doing here but the only real person who I could even bring up the issue to was Chris, but even doing that didn’t help much. He caught himself having a “talk” with him that ended in no results. I definitely couldn’t leave on my own. Who was going to hire a girl whose only occupation was sucking for bucks?

Please, Wal-Mart wouldn’t even hire my ass.

“Gentlemen, for those who time here is the first, I would like to say welcome to my humble abode filled with the sweetest treats.” He hooked his fingers through his suspenders obviously proud at the selection of females. I wish we could say the same for the men. They all looked to be no younger than forty, but hopefully I was able to spot out one of my regulars.

“For the others, welcome back. Have a look at our wonderful ladies, pick and enjoy.” Daddy finished, went back into his office, where I saw one of the girls named sugar seated across his desk. I felt sympathy for her because he was going to do to her what he does to me and there wasn’t anything she could do about it.

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