Chapter 27: May God have Mercy

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I'm not gonna use the b-word. I'll just call ya'll ustable creatures."-Sweat Pea, 'Baby Boy"


"Nova? What about her?" She narrowed her eyes and pulled the covers closer to herself.

I swallowed and damn, was it getting hotter in here?

"See, Nova and I, well...I mean, ok. Look there's been something that i've been meaning to tell you but just didn't know how to go about that shit and-, look, don't fix your face like that just listen. Relax, it's not what you think. Me and her not fucking, well that was once, but I swear it didn't mean anything."

Nigga, get it together! You fucking up! You see how she getting ready to fuck your ass up?

"What are you saying?" She asked wearily.

I took a deep breath and looked back into her eyes. Those gorgeous brown eyes.


"What i'm saying is that, I've known Nova for a while."

"A while as in..."

"As in a year and some change."


"And her and I had been involved in some crazy shit, shit that i'm not entirely proud of..."

"You've been fucking my best friend?"

"Well, she's not really your bestfriend and-,"

"What the fuck are you getting at Zeke?" She now was out of the bed pulling a shirt and shorts out of her dresser to put on. Aw, shit, she was getting ready to beat my ass. I mimicked her, sliding out of the bed to put my pants on.

"What i'm trying to say is, she hasn't been totally honest with you."

"About what Zeke?"


She faced me after putting her shorts on and sat on the edge of the bed, me sitting beside her.

"What's everything?"

"She's been planning to get you back for what you did to her. Well, that wasn't the intital plan but you just kind of fell into the mix." She waved her eyes and closed her eyes to get me to stop talking. After what felt like forever, she lifted her head to look back at me. I wasn't gonna lie, my heart beat was racing a mile a minute at thinking of the possibilities of what she was going to do.

"Get me back for what?"

"From what she's been telling me or hinting at, is that something happened before you guys started gettign involved with my dad. Something about you having more oppertunities than her or some shit like that. It festered into her being greedy. Her intitial plan was to rob my father blind, but when you were given the opperunity to run the club, it had put a wrench in her plan so she had to come up with a way to get rid of you."

Her eyes grew wide like a deer caught in the headlights."Get, rid of me? But, that doesn't...why I thought. Why go through all these years and hold a grudge for something I didn't do? I mean how-,"

She stopped mid sentence and looked back at me. "What do you have to do with this?"

Aw shit, this was the hard part.

"Well, I was supposed to seduce you...and implant the idea to give the club back or sell it to the highest bidder. In this case, your ex, Teddy."

What happened next, I couldn't see coming. Her hand came hard across my face. Her breathing hitched and I swear I could see the devil in her eyes. I rubbed the side of my face.

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