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Nightmare paced outside, so many thoughts were rushing through his mind. He didn't know what to feel... should be mad at his sister or should he be worried.

His hands clutched his head.

Minutes passed, or even hours... but he doesn't know. He's too busy worrying, Nightmare picks up his phone, and calls for Killer.

Then more minutes passed, and there he was at Nightmare's side. Comforting him, asking him what happened.

Even more minutes flew by and a nurse came out.

"Um... excuse me?"

Nightmare looked up at the woman, "H-how's my sister?!"

The nurse smiled, "She's just fine. Come... you can see her!"

Nightmare walked into the yellow pastel room, on the side was a white bed, and his sister. Nightmare looked at his twin she looked exhausted and weak, but her soul was strong. In her hands.... was a small figure. They cooed and gave a small giggle as his sister's finger touch their nose.


Dream looked at her brother, her eyes suddenly filled with shame.

"I'm sorry..."

Nightmare dropped onto the seat beside the bed, Killer stood at the door watching them.

"Did he do this?"

"He did this to you, didn't he?!"

Dream kept silent, she stared out the window.

"I want to know the truth. Dream."

Dream tightened her grip on her baby, "I'm sorry Nighty! It was my fault! I started it! I- I wanted to.."

Nightmare looked at Dream in shock, "You gave up your responsibility, your innocence just  for him!"

"I know I did!" Dream raised her voice, "I know I shouldn't of done it! But this is love! I told him.. but my baby- our baby has just made our relationship stronger!"

"I'm so sorry..." Dream looked down at her baby, "I know you hate me..."

Nightmare stood up and headed for the door.

"Nightmare!" Killer called out, he quickly grabbed Nightmare's arm, stopping him.

Then seconds of silence.

"What's their name?"

Dream looked at Nightmare, "Lux. Her name is Lux, Nightmare.

"I'm jut glad you are okay, Dream..."

Nightmare left the door, "Oh... and you have another visitor."


Cross ran passed Nightmare and quickly ran over to Dream.

"Crossy~" Dream smiled, giving him a quick hug.

"A-are you okay?!"

"I'm just fine..."

"You're sure about that?"


Cross gave a reassuring smile, his eyes landed on... his baby.

"So... it's Lux.."

Dream nodded, "You want to hold her?"

Cross nodded, he extended his hands and picked up the light weighted baby in his hands.
Lux let out a tiny giggle.

"She's beautiful, Dream..."

Cross' eyes began to grow warm, and the tears started to form.

"She's beautiful... our little Lux~"

*Bows extremely low* IM SO SORRY GUYS!! *whimpers*

I got so busy... and I was so glued to YouTube (I was watching the Love Yourself Answer World Wide Tour). So please forgive me!!

Sorry sorry sorry sorry!!!

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