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Dream smiled, "Thank you... so much!"

"It wasn't a problem at all..." Lux grinned, "It was your love that sent me here anyways..."

Dream gave a puzzled look, Lux's choice of words confused her.

"Your love that sent me here?" Dream thought, "That means she's our-"

"Lux wait!" Dream called after her. Dream's eyes widened as she saw that same monster standing in front of her. She was slowly fading away.

"Please don't leave me..." Dream whispered.

Lux turned around calmly, "Don't worry... you'll see me again in the near future mother..."

And with that, Lux disappeared with a bright light.

Cross walked over, placing his hand on Dream's shoulder, "So... she was ours all along..."

Dream nodded, a smile grew on her face quickly, "I know we'll see her again..."

"I can't wait..." Cross grinned, he wrapped his arms around Dream.

"I can't wait..."

"Hey- You two come over here!" Nightmare sighed, "I think we should go back now..."

Dream nodded as she walked back to her brother. Dream looked back at the once golden colored ground as it was now stripped from its flora. She carefully placed her hand down to touch the uncovered soil. At this, green buds began to sprout from the soil. Then if it was like magic, the buds bloomed into beautiful buttercups. One in particular, was a iris shade.

Dream smiled and skipped away happily to catch up with her lover and sibling, who were already ahead of her.

The sun was beginning to set as they peacefully left ReaperTale. Finally, everything was set and done... peace was finally restored throughout the AUs.

Dream never wished for more...

The End...

or is it?

My Dream Come True [Cream Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now