Chapter Nine

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It's been about two week since me and Lucas had our talk and we still had no luck at all with talking to Sophia. Rumours had flooded the halls about why she had slapped me. The funniest one I had heard so far was that apparently we were lesbian lovers and Lucas was our decoy but I didn't want to break up with him. Can you believe that? People in this town are sooo creative... For starters why in the hell would Lucas do me any damn favours?! Idiots.

Anyway, we were having no luck at all with Sophia. She would walk away if we approached her, denied our calls and didn't respond to any of our messages. I had bought me a new phone and called her from it. She didn't know the number so she answered it. As soon as she heard me she hung up the phone again. I was beginning to get real annoyed and I knew Lucas was real close to giving up altogether.

We decided to deal with one problem at a time. First things first. Get Sophia to actually talk with us again. It wasn't going well at all but I didn't want to give up. I spotted her heading towards her car when I motioned for Lucas to block her in since he was already in his car. Catching on he quickly moved and blocked her in while the school became empty fast. Sophia isn't the best driver in the world and likes to follow the rules as best she can, so no driving on the footpath to get away from us. I did see she was really considering ramming into Lucas' truck but knew it wouldn't have done much in making him move. Desperation calls for desperate measures.

She got out of her car and decided to walk. I stood next to her car and watched her walk away. "He was never yours Sophia!" I yelled after her. She stopped at my words. "You have no right to be angry! He was never yours and he never will be if you won't listen to us! I'll take him back Sophia! I swear to God I will take him back and you'll never get him then! You know us Sophia. You noticed how we felt! You have no right to be angry!" I growled angry. She spun around eyes blazing. The school was now empty besides us and a few other stragglers who were listening closely. "You were my best friend Veronica! How dare you tell me I have no right to be angry! You also knew how I felt about him too! Don't you dare blame this on me! You're the one who made the mistake!" She yelled as she stomped her way back. Well at least she was finally talking to us again. She stood in front of me and I tried really hard not to laugh. God there's that angry little kitten again.

"This isn't funny Veronica!!! Don't you dare laugh! How could you kiss him?!" She growled and stomped her her foot. "Well to be fair he actually kissed me." I said, smiling softly. She raised her hand but this time I caught. "You only get to hit me once." I growled. "Sophia I don't want him." She gave me a blank look. "Okay fine! Let me rephrase that. I want someone else more than I want Lucas. Don't get me wrong, there's history between me and Lucas but its just that. History. Now a part of me will always love him but not enough to ruin what I have for someone else. It sure surprised me by how hurt I felt when I realised he liked you. But then I meet you and I finally understood. Sophia you're amazing girl and you're my best friend. You have to forgive me! Besides weren't you already making out with him while he was dating me?" I said. She blinked in surprise and I heard Lucas catch his breath as well.

"You knew about that?" Sophia asked surprised. I rolled my eyes. "Of course I f**kin' did. I'm not an idiot... Well most of the time. Anyway can we just get over the kiss now? It won't ever happen again, I can guarantee that. He loves you Sophia. Now hurry up and go talk with him before you both regret it!" I said angrily before turning around and stomping toward my car. I took off out of the car park but checked my rearview mirror. They were next to each other and Lucas was talking. Well that was easier than I thought it would be. Too easy...

Now all that's left is Ryder... God help me.


It's been about a week since my talk with Sophia and she's still not really talking with me. I mean sure we hang out but it's not quite the same anymore. We aren't as carefree with each other and a part of me regrets saying the things I did but she needed to hear them. She was being selfish and cruel. I didn't blame her for her anger but she should have let us explain before ignoring us the way she did. I decided to ignore the distance she kept between us because I had other things to worry about. Like Ryder. He was back to the ignoring me thing he had going on before but this time it didn't hurt as much. I was use to him ignoring me, so now I didn't feel like bursting into tears every time I saw him.

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