chapter 36, unexpected

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It had been almost a month now since Rosalie and Emmett had left. We had tried to return to normal, we'd even gone back to school. But at home thing's were still tense, Carlisle had thrown himself into working longer hour's, and was barely seen at home. Esme had busied herself by buying a greenhouse and was now attempting to grow all kind's of fruit and vegetable's. Alice had taken to shopping more, only alone. I suspected she was spending most of the time trying to look for Rose and Emmett's future, as she didn't come home with as much as she normally would. Jasper had taken to reading more and Nessie was now talking to Edward again, but she wasn't being polite about it. Jacob had surprised me the most though, he had become increasingly withdrawn over the past few weeks, when I'd asked him about it, he told me that he felt as if he was loosing his family all over again. Me and Edward had reached a healthy understanding, he knew he was wrong, but stuck by his reason's. I was really missing having my brother and sister around and spent most of my time wondering if they were missing us as well. We still hadn't heard anything from either of them, and both cell phone's now went straight to voice mail whenever we rang. It didn't stop me trying though, every morning and every evening.

It was now time to wake my daughter up for school, I headed up the stairs toward's her bedroom. I took a deep breath before entering her room, I hated waking her up. But as I breathed in a familiar feeling returned to my throat. I could smell blood.  

"Nessie?" I panicked, flinging the door open and running into her room "Are you OK?" She was sat up in bed, a few tear's rolling down her cheek's. She looked at me and began to sob harder before pulling her leg's up and clutching them closer to her chest. "What's wrong?" I asked, fear showing in my voice. She pulled back the cover's on her bed and I could clearly see blood on the sheet's.  

"EDWARD!" I yelled at the top of my voice  

"No Mom!" Nessie begged, her tear's increasing.  

"It's OK" I soothed sitting down next to her, as Edward ran into the room.  

"What's-" he stuttered, suddenly smelling the blood. "Ness are you hurt?" he asked, looking between her and the blood stained sheet's. She didn't answer him and instead looked at me with pleading eye's.  

"Ring Carlisle" I told him "and get Alice" Edward nodded and quickly left the room.  

"Mom, is this...?" Nessie asked, the poor girl was so confused.  

"I'm not sure sweetheart" I told her. A moment later Alice came in the room, followed swiftly by Esme. They took one look at the situation before them and Alice started jumping up and down like a kid in a sweet shop.  

"Alice!" I hissed  

"Sorry Ness" she smiled, calming down a little "but don't you understand what this mean's?"  

"What?" my daughter asked, becoming more confused by the second  

"It mean's you're all grown up!" Alice chimed  

"But I didn't think that I could..." she admitted, her head dropping slightly onto her knee's.

Carlisle got home about 20 minute's later and quickly ran upstairs to check Nessie over. Jacob was panicking, nobody had told him what was happening and when he'd tried to come in the bedroom Ness had screamed at him to get out.  

"She's definitely menstruating" Carlisle sighed, walking down the stairs to greet the rest of us.  

"But she's half immortal!" I exclaimed  

"She's also half human Bella" he laughed slightly  

"So are you telling me that my little girl is going to live for all eternity having period's?"  

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