Chapter 29

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As we boarded the plane I realised I had never flown with Edward and the pilot had told me before that he was a good pilot.

"You fly," I said to him.

He nodded as though it was a normal thing to do and didn't realise why I was so amazed.

"Not everyone flies," I told him.

"It was kind of essential in the Air Force," he replied and took a seat beside me.

"You were in the Air Force?"

"Yes," he replied.

"How long for?" I asked.

"From when I was old enough to join until I was pulled out to fulfil my royal obligations," he replied.

"When were you pulled out?" I asked.

"About two years ago," he replied.

"We met not long after," I replied working out the math.

"A few months," he mumbled.

"You miss it," I said assessing his reaction to my questions.

He nodded.

"Maybe when we are married and I have learnt not to put my foot in my mouth all the time, I could take on some of what you do and help free up time for you. That way you could do more military things," I offered.

His head turned and gave me a puzzled look.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" I asked. "If your uncle produces an heir you won't have to take the throne but in the meantime we are still representing the monarchy and I have to do my part. I just hope I don't make a complete mess of it," I sighed.

He chuckled.

"Stop laughing at me. I may not be royal but we are getting married and I know that involves the occasional balcony wave and staying awake in boring ceremonies. Oh and that hand thing that you do."

"What hand thing?" he asked.

"The royal tap," I replied and tapped his hand to show it.

He laughed. "I do not do that," he replied.

"Yes you do and so does your mother," I countered. "And I am going to do it."

He shook his head as he smiled in amusement and Gerard chuckled.

"Gerard, you have seen him do it haven't you?" I asked.

He looked at Edward and pretended to go to sleep to avoid answering.

"It's not a bad thing. It was one of the many reasons I fell in love with you. The hands on and comforting way to speak to people, it wouldn't be the same without the royal tap. I didn't even know you were royal then. I just thought you were well mannered, sympathetic and gorgeous," I added. "Which of course you are. Being royal is just... I don't know like being the son of the CEO of a really big company."

"Oh my god are you in for a culture shock," Edward replied as he looked at me astounded.

I stopped talking long enough to think over what I said.

"Are my painkillers making me ramble mad stuff again?" I asked.

He smiled politely... in other words yes.

"Sorry," I said and bit my lip. I sort of giggled with embarrassment and was slightly concerned that I had offended him but my tablets also made me paranoid so I shut up.

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