Chapter 40

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Gray's POV

She's having one right now, I just know it.

I know she does not scream when she has it. I know she does not squirm when she sleeps. I know she does not give any signs that she has it. But I know that the nightmare is there. Haunting her. Every day. In her sleep.

Just like how it's haunting her today.

She does not want to tell anyone about it, I should know that. If she did, she would have told me in the first place. But she didn't. I had to figure that out by myself. But eventually I did, didn't I?

The only thing that gives her away the fact that she is having a nightmare is that she breathes faster than a normal person would when she sleeps. It speeds up, but only so slightly. I learnt that from the countless times I've watched her sleep back in her apartment, but I usually sneak out before she wakes up.

I watched her from through the barred metal door of the cell, waiting for my order from Desmond himself. Waiting to go in and give her one more dose of whatever it is he keeps on asking people to give her. I would be in there by now, but he had just spoken to me about not doing anything without him ordering me to.

I watch her as her breathing speeds up, but she looks so calm, that it could've fooled anyone else who is not me. I want to go in there, and wake her up from her nightmare, or whatever bad dream she is having. I just want to go in there and hug her tight, and tell her that everything is going to be alright.

But who am I going to kid?

It's so obvious that everything is not going to be alright. Well, not in her case anyway.

And I am sure that she knows it.

I hear some indistinct voices coming from around me, but I tune them out, not interested in hearing their conversation, not interested in eavesdropping. Right now, I only want two people in my world, in my imaginary world, where everything is perfect. And it only consists of two people: Willow and me.

The voices around me grow louder, but I ignored them yet again. I do not care if anyone is calling me or not. They're not important, not now anyway.

Desmond gave Willow her first dose in the truck when we arrived here – which was not very strong – and the second – which was so much stronger – was given by Geraldine. She slept for two whole days on that one without waking up. I'm supposed to give her her final shot before she can officially wake up.

But I really pity her. She's supposed to be up and running by now, and at least ate or drank something. But no. Instead, she has been sleeping, and having terrible nightmares, I'm very sure.

I think having two days' worth of nightmares is more than enough, even for a person who regularly have nightmares. I hope this dose is not too much... I don't want her to have any more terrible nightmares.

I felt a sharp, shooting pain on my right cheek.

"Gray, it's time," Desmond's low and husky voice reached my ears.

I nodded my head in acknowledgement. "Okay," I told him in a low whisper, trying my best to keep my face emotionless, doing a better job of it than I had expected to.

He nodded towards the two guards at the entrance of the cell. They opened the door for me, the rusted metal sounding terrible as it was wheeled open, and I entered the room.

I heard the door slam shut from behind me. I looked at her bed, and noticed that she had winced at the sound of the door slamming shut, and that's how I realised that she was already up from her sleep.

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