Chapter 45

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They came for me next.

But I didn't want to struggle or anything. I just walked with them to wherever it is they want to take me to. I just walked. And walked. And walked. And walked. And walked. No questions asked, not even one. They should be very grateful for that.

I wonder what's going to happen to Alex. I guess they came for her because they overheard everything she had said to me. They must have... I'm also guessing that they all wear earpieces. But I should be more worried about myself than other people.

I went back to thinking about what Alex had said.

"You need to be careful of everyone around you... Including me."

What does she mean by that?

"Be careful of who you trust."

But who can I trust? How will I know if that person is trustworthy or not? How will I know if that person will betray my trust or not?

"You can't," a small voice in my head informed me.

Exactly. I can't. It's as simple as that? Nothing else. It's a fact, it's there, and it's time to admit it.

I can't.

And also, what does Alex knows that I don't? What is so terrible that has gotten her all desperate like that? That isn't Alex, and I know it. What was so, so terrible that Alex dared to risk everything just to tell me to be careful? That is definitely not Alex as I knew her. She is the type to obey everything a person says.

She hates risks.

What was so important that she had to even put her life on the risk? I don't think it's all just for me... I'm pretty sure that there's some other reason to that... And then I remembered my random 'bump in' with Aaron and Thomas in front of my apartment...


I jogged up to the apartment building and reached out my hand to open the glass door. But before I could even open it, the door swung open, smacking me straight in the nose. So painful! I groaned, my eyes darting around to find out who did that. It was an accident, I know, so I don't blame them.

"I am so sorry..." a voice said, trailing off.

I quickly found the owner of the voice.

He's quite young, maybe around his mid-twenties, and had dark hair and olive green eyes. The man next to him looked almost the same as him, except that his eyes were emerald green instead of olive green, and that he is slightly older. I am guessing... They're brothers.

"It's okay..." I told the guy who apologised.

But something about their facial expressions made me curious. Again!

"Are you guys okay?" I asked.

They hastily changed their expressions of both shock and surprise into delight... That looked kind of forced.

"I'm Aaron," the olive green eyed guy said.

"I'm Thomas, his brother," the other told me.

Hah! So I was right! They are brothers!

I put on a warm smile on my face. "Hi. I'm Willow."

[End of Flashback]

And then, there's the time when they visited me in my cell. How nice of them...


"Willow..." a low and slightly intimidating voice reached my ears.

I shot up from the bunk immediately, startled.

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