Chapter 36

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Unknown's POV

"And she will never even know what hit her..." her voice kept on repeating, kept echoing, itself in my head.

And I agree with that statement.

She will literally not know what hit her, if only I had been quieter with the stupid, creaking door. I am pretty sure she heard it. But I don't think it matters anyway, because in the end, she didn't know that it was me who had hit her, and that's the most important part.

I will have to wait until she wakes up before I can do anything though, and maybe I'll give her three days in the cell first. And then, I'll let her wander around the place for an hour or so. I wonder if she'll bump into Alex...

~~~ ♥ ~~ ♥ ~~ ♥ ~~~

I'm bringing her to the headquarters now. Well, I'm not exactly bringing her, but I don't exactly know how to phrase it either. How about I just say that I am sitting in the passenger's seat while Gray is driving us to the headquarters. That is more specific.

A smug look appeared on my face as I watched him focus on the road, beads of perspiration dotting his forehead.

Oh Gray, oh Gray. I am very sure that by now, she thinks that you are just using her, which you are, in a way. And I also know that you love her very much. But no matter how much you love her, love is not blind to you.

You are still loyal to the ones who have more priority than others. And she is one of the lowest priorities in your life. And that is the only important thing. That is the kind of workers that a company will benefit from.

I felt the truck swerve a little. I know that there's something wrong with Gray today, which is why I purposely chose him to transport her. I want to push his limit and see how far his loyalty will go. But from the swerve of the truck, it doesn't seem that he's focusing all that well.

"Gray, focus," I commanded.

He didn't reply, and his face remained emotionless as well. Which I don't think is a good sign.

My gaze hardened. "Gray, I know you still love her, but you have got to get over her and focus. Who cares about her? You knew she was a goner anyway. It's your fault for falling in love with her."

He still didn't reply. He reminds me of a robot.

But maybe he was about to snap at me. But everyone knows better than to defy my authority of things here.

I ignored him and switched off my mobile tracker. I know that the police are looking for us. They've always been doing that. So, I managed to hack into their satellite system, and cut off the signal from our computers and stuff like that and only leave a fake trail to them.

I tossed the mobile tracker into the woods and turned my attention back onto the road.

And the rest of the trip was a quiet one.

Soon, we were turning into the only through road to the HQ, which was through some thick bushes and shrubs. We came to a stop, and I got down; making sure that no one else handles the job – as in, give their own orders – from now on, except me.


Anyways, I am glad that my reads are increasing so rapidly these few days! :)

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