Chapter 11 - Drake

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The next few weeks went by quickly with little  change. Jon ignored me, Danny was always near by, Sophie would never stop apologising and Eric and I came closer and closer.

He didn't go out again like the first night but I could tell he wanted to and he was always on the phone with mysterious voices. Danny seemed inclined not to let Eric and I be alone together no matter how many times I said it was Ok. Of course there was also my mum. Her situation hadn't changed and she went to the hospital every other day.

I sighed as I walked into my bedroom on that Saturday night and almost screamed before I saw it was Eric.

"Eric! You scared me!" I exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

"Came to see you without my shadow, your dad let me in." I knew he ment Danny when he said Shadow and it was true. Danny was getting a smidge annoying.

"Ok." I smiled as I sat on the bed next to Eric.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come out with me?"

"Eric, it's almost 10 and you know my parents rule, 'No going out after 10:30'" I said mimicking my dad's voice.

"We could ask?"

I gave in, "Oh Ok, I'll ask." I huffed and walked out the room in search if my dad. He was in the office, when I came in he turned and quickly shut the lid of his laptop.

"Flo, how can I help you?" he asked.

"I just came to ask permission for something..." I hinted.

"Oh and what is that?" he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Eric has asked me out, we'll probally be back late so I thought I'd better ask." I said quickly. My dad thought for a second then sighed and a small smile tugged at his face.

"Teenagers." he muttered, "I suppose just this once. You've been good and have always been back by lights out." (my dad doesn't like to use American words like curfew so he makes up his own English versions)

"Yes! Thank-you Dad!" I shouted and hugged him.

"Now scoot." he said, waving me away. I smiled at him and left.

As Eric and I got out the car at his house and I asked, "Why are we here?" he smirked and said, "we were getting some more subtle clothes."

When we finally left Eric's house I was wearing a extremely short black skirt with a sequined tank top, my red hair pressed into ringlets that were loose down my back.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You, know that day I came back to the house soaked in blood?"


"And I told you it was a wolf?"

"Yes. Were you lying?"

"No, a wolf did attack me the blood was just not from that encounter."

"Sooo, where was the blood from?"

"A mugger outside the best club you could imagine!" he was getting exited, "I used to go there all the time and since you came I haven't had the time but now, I can bring you too!"

"A MUGGER!" I screamed.

"Yes, but that's not the point" he said, "We're here." I looked around to try to identify here but failed. "You can meet all my friends!" he was getting giddy as he opened my car door.

"Ok..." I said. I'd never been to a club before never mind one with muggers outside.

"Great, come on then!"

We stepped inside the club. It was dark and stuffy. I would never understand people who enjoyed going to clubs. Eric pushed trough the hot press of bodies, moving to the too loud music, with my hand safely enclosed in his until he found the people he was looking for.

"Flo," he said, "This is Anna, Ben, Joyse and Harry. Oh and over there is Drake." he said pointing to a man that looked 25.

"How old is he?"

"Who, Drake?" I nodded, "I think he's about 26 or something."

I looked at Drake's big frame and gulped. I didn't like this place.

"Come on, lets dance!" said Eric and lead me to the dance floor.

"Eric..." I Said in protest.

"What is it pumpkin?"

"I don't feel too good." I said and leaned against his chest.

"I'm sure you'll get used to it." he said and leaned towards me. I ducked under his arm.

"Eric, I'm serious." I said.

"You just need to losen up." he decided and grabed my wrist, pulling me close. I sighed, maybe he was right. He leaned forward again. Wrong, definitely wrong! I turned my head and he kissed my cheek. As he did this he pulled my arms straight down at my sides.

"Eric I want to go home." I said sternly.

"But I want to stay." he said and I yelped as he pulled me against him and kissed me. It was the first time he'd kissed me but it was wrong. All wrong. I slapped him and retreated into the crowd. He roared in a rage and stormed after me.

I was almost at the exit and I had taken Eric's keys when I crashed into someone. I muttered appologies as I hurried past but a hand caught my shoulder. Drake.

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