Chapter 4 - Exploring

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Back at Jon's house I timidly followed Jon into his room. Daniel was sat on Jon's bed playing somthing on his phone. He looked up when I entered and looked me up and down.

He took in my waist length mass of tangled fire (for some reason it always tangles after I cry), my hazel eyes and slender frame. I did the same to him and as we made eye contact I felt a click in the back of my mind.

For the next two hours or so the three of us just sat and talked on Jon's bed.

It turns out Daniel, or Danny, just moved from Scotland down to where we live in Wales and would be joining our school on Wednesday. He was two days older than me and enjoyed writing. It also happens Jon gave him a copy of my book and he'd really enjoyed it so far. He even gave me a rough copy of one of his own pieces to read!

At about 7, Danny had to leave as his little sister would've just finished ballet and he needed to pick her up. It was just me and Jon.

"Are you Ok?" he asked. I shook my head. My distraction had just walked out the door and my fears and worries were flooding back. I leaned on Jon.

"Come here." he said and pulled me on to his lap. I giggled as he kissed my neck and my jaw.

I moved so I was facing him with my legs on either side of him and leaned over him. He stretched up and kissed the cornor of my mouth. He went for the other side but I turned my head meeting him full on. He responded immediatly and opened his mouth granting me permission to enter.

He moved his hands from the small of my back to my hips, to my thighs, and pulled me closer. I kept my hands on his face and basically attacked him. He pulled his hands back up my body to my tank top and sliped them up underneath.

I froze.

He slowly pulled back to see my expression. I kept my eyes closed but slowly moved my hands to his and pulled them back up and around my back and rested them there. I then moved my hands to the buttons on the front of his shirt but only managed to get a few undone before Jon pulled me back to him.

I gasped and he took the oportunity to kiss me. Hard and full of passion. And we explored each other.

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