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Requested by: Travlynforlife99

Ruby x Sapphire

Ruby's POV

Ahhh, contests!! The highlight of the Hoenn and Sinnoh regions, if I'm being honest. I love contests so much, I even made my girlfriend come along with me to the Kalos region to watch a contest. 

But this? This is not a contest. This is a "Pokemon Showcase". It's quite disturbing how males cannot enter one of these competitions, to show off the beauty, cuteness, intelligence, coolness, and strength of their Pokemon!! (A/N: I hope that's the categories lol) 

I am amused at these females dancing around with their almost-too-sparkly outfits and over-coordinated Pokemon. Even Sapphire gets a kick out of this. She agrees with me. For an opinion on contests!! To say that I am a proud boyfriend right now is an understatement. 

However, just because I do not like this show, I do vote for the competitors. Of course, I may be a bit biased as there is a girl who is from Hoenn and I have voted for her, even though she is not doing that well. 


What even...? You get a frickin' key when you win?! Even Sapphire was annoyed at how you only needed three keys to win. Like, five is a totally greater goal. Also, contests are a million times better. The girl from Hoenn lost. As expected. I bet she'd do a lot better if she entered a cool contest in Hoenn. Also, the form of judging is lazy. Like, hire your own judges!! They wouldn't be biased to the competitors! The girl who won had a huge crowd of people rooting for her. If that wasn't the case, I bet that one of the other girls would have won. 

Don't even ask why I decided to do this. I don't even know myself, honestly. The best part about the whole thing was that Sapphire fell asleep on my shoulder about half way through and we got to cuddle - even though she hates cuddling, when she's awake. 

I've got to leave. Gotta catch the next plane to Hoenn to get out of this fake-contest place. There, I will enter all five categories of the best contests and I will win them all. Just to prove a point. Even Sapphire agrees. Or she will, when I wake her up and tell her.

A/N: I'm sorry this turned out to be a big rant!!! I really, really like the Pokemon Showcase, and I hope that if they make remakes to X and Y they do something with them. 

Also, we're at 3.4K views. It's like 3,442or something. I also didn't know until recently that this was being read in over 5 countries!! 

This was the last request on my last page, so please feel free to request things for me, and, if you want, request a storyline or au or prompt for me, I need ideas. 

Thanks for waiting for this!


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