Cutebonesshipping/ Haudion

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A/N: I know this is really long, but that's because I was going to make it into a full story, but didn't know how to continue the plot, so I just decided to put it here. 

Gladion's POV

A Brionne. That's all I need, to steal a Brionne. All that was given to me for information on the boy I was to steal it from, was that he lived on Mele-mele island, and that his name was Hau. I was given so many jobs from Team Skull, this should be easy. Also, it says that he loves malasadas. Maybe I will start by checking out the closest malasada shop, and start talking to people. He is supposed to be a year-ish younger than me, but what else? How am I supposed to find someone like that with the crappy information they gave me?

I walk into the nearest malasada shop, and I order a bitter malasada, to make myself look busy, and, y'know, not suspicious, given the fact that I am working for an evil team. The taste was alright, I guess, and I nibbled on it slowly, sitting by myself. No one in the store looked around my age, and the ones that did were female, all sitting together in a group.

Just as I was about to leave, the slowly eaten malasada now long gone, a boy around my age walked in the shop. He went up and ordered 5 sweet malasadas. Holy crap, how can one eat so much? Just as he got them, he looked around for a table to sit at. It must have been rush hour because there was almost no space to sit at. Except for by me. I was very surprised when he turned to me.

"Is this seat taken?" he asked with a smile.

"No..." I responded. The forest-haired boy sat next to me.

"Ya want one?" He asks me, offering one of his four remaining malasadas.

"No, thank you." I respond. Why am I being polite, this might be the guy!

"Hey what's your name?" he asks me politely.

"My name is Gladion, yours?" I respond. Why am I being nice, and I should never give away personal information like that!

"I'm Hau." He says with a very broad grin. So this happy-go-lucky boy is the person whose Brionne I am supposed to steal? What's wrong with me? Why can't I just steal it? It's probably in one of the Poke Balls in his bag.

We ended up exchanging phone numbers. What the HELL, Gladion, you can't just go out trusting someone whom you are supposed to steal from!!!

Third Person POV

Later that evening, Gladion got a text from Hau: Hey Gladdi! How about you meet me at the dock tomorrow at 2, we could have a Pokemon Battle!! It would be Fun! :D

Hau is such a happy guy. How can I not go!? Gladion, you are a member of Team Skull, you have to steal his Brionne, not befriend him.

Gladion was having mixed thoughts about this but responded with: "Sure, That'd Be Great!" Dammit!

The next day, Gladion found himself standing in front of the mirror in the hotel room that he had rented. What will I wear today? Just what I wore yesterday, to make sure that he will recognize me? Nah, Hau will recognize me, my hairstyle stands out. He ended up wearing exactly what he wore before, his usual emo style, despite his previous thoughts. He found Hau there at the dock, wearing exactly what he wore yesterday as well. Shit! We had the same thoughts!

"Hiya, Gladdi!" Hau calls over to Gladion. He responds with a silent wave, and a small smile. I never smile. "So, ya ready for that battle?" Hau asks, beaming.

"Yeah." states Gladion, a smirk developing on his pale face.

*Gladion destroyed Hau in a battle, not even trying his hardest*

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