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Third Person James POV


James still couldn't forget how enthusiastic Jessie always was when the pair were doing the motto. But Team Rocket recently disbanded, leaving the trio to go their separate ways. James still often feels sad when no one is there to make sarcastic remarks about his mistakes, the three were family, through and through. Now, James was all by himself, not daring to go back home.


Third Person Jessie POV


Although James was always a pain in the neck, Jessie still missed his silly puns, cosplay, and optimism. Yeah, she could get pretty negative, and so could Meowth, but James would bring the team back up. Jessie could still remember when she and James were close to death and he called her 'Jessica'. Oh, how she would long for him to call her 'Jessica' once again. Not that she'd ever admit it out loud, but she liked James, and not just as a friend.

Third Person James POV

James walked across the sands of a beach when he spotted a Meowth. "Meowth?" he called out to it. Maybe there was some hope for a reunion! It turned around,


Or, maybe not.

Third person Jessie POV

Jessie spotted some purple hair in the distance. James? Maybe there was some hope for a reunion! She walks over to him, "Hello~!" He turned around,

"Excuse me?! I don't know you."

Or, maybe not.

Third person POV

Both Jessie and James were walking along a park, heads down. Oh, how they missed each other! They weren't looking where they were going, but they didn't care if they bumped into something. They kept on going until...

Third Person James POV

Oof! I ran into someone. I look up to see tangles of magenta hair.



We join in an embrace.

Jessie POV

"James, I can't believe it!! I love yo--!" I clasp my hand over my mouth, embarrassed. I can't believe I just confessed right in front of him! I am met with a pair of warm lips on my mouth.

"I love you too, Jessica." 

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