She's Ready

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Asia POV

When all my classes where over and the lunch bell rung, I decided to go into the libary. I hated going in the cafeteria now that I'm 7 months pregnant and I'm huge as hell. You got people starring at you and shit. Many people didn't even know I was pregnant untill I did become big. At first I would try to cover it up but now, lil mama wanted to be known.

Before I walked into the Library I stopped by the concession stands and grabbed me some chips, a soda and some cakes. I wasn't all that hungry but I was. Crazy right! I stepped into the Library and sat at the desk and started going over the shit Ms.Epps assigned for home work since Leek was snapping with her, she didn't even teach it. I'm so happy that he back too. It was as if a weight has been lifted and one of my problems no longer exist. It's feels good to come to school knowing I can get a good laugh outta him. I love my brody and I don't want shit else to happen to him. He been down for too long and I'm happy he's up. With out him we all started seperating and doing our own things.Hopefully now that he's back he can somehow mend our relationships.

I rubbed my big belly and smiled. It felt weird to actually know that I'm carrying a human being inside of me. To know that lil human being is a smaller me , also puts a smile on my face. I'm going to spoil her to death,It's gonna be crazy. I'm not gonna over spoil her if that makes since. Eventually I'm going to teach her to work for what she wan'ts so when she's older she'll be prepared for the future. I'm not going to walk out of her life like my mama did me. Although she's come back She still missed alot of my life. My sister practically raised me now that I think about it. My life wasn't rough because my sister made money to provide for me and Taylor , It was just lonely. Yeah of course my sister showed love and talked to me but It's nothing compared to a mothers love. Let's not even get on that donar of mine. Ugh. He wasn't even in my life. He basically was like oh you pregnant,cool I'm out. The fuck!! Who does shit like that . But it's cool cause Khali is going to be in my baby life. whether we're together or not. That reminds me. I gotta give him my decison on living with him. I pulled out my phone and shot him a text cause I wasn't finna go to the Cafeteria.

BabyMamaAsia- I'm in the Library, Didn't wanna be bothered in the Cafe today, && Yes, I'll stay with you.

BabyDaddy:/- Aight ma, We'll start moving stuff in today

BabyMamaAsia- Okay, That's fine.

BabyDaddy:/- Are u eating

BabyMamaAsia- Yes Khali, I got chips cakes and a soda. I'm not that hungrey today.

He didn't respond so I simply just locked my phone and rubbed my belly as I went over the work. Back to being borning ass Asia.

A month Later

I've moved out of Desiree house completely and I live with Khali currently. It's nice. I have my own room and so does the baby. Khalid is in my room alot making sure the baby is okay. I'm 8 months pregnant and excited as hell. Tommorow my mama and sister are throwing me a baby shower at their house. It's gonna be small thoe just us three probally.

I was sitting on my bed rubbing Khalid back as he slowly fell asleep. Khali went out and sat he would be back in an hour or so. I didn't care,as long as we were locked in, I was good. Khali was about ot send Khalid off to his mama house, whom I still haven't met but I'm not sure if I'm suppose to or not but whatever, but Khalid begged Khali to get him to stay here with me. He was like I can protect her and my sister. It was really cute , I love it when he bonds with her. He goes to my belly and talk to her, tell her about all the fun stuff he has experienced in life and everything. He's excited about being a big brother.

"Khalid, Do you wanna help name your sister? I asked.rubbing his back.

"Sure"He said sitting up "What about Tinkerbell"

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