The Return Of The Exes

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Khali POV

Leek and I finished up early at the office, so I'm sure my mom would be surprised to see me so soon.

I unlocked the door then went into the house to see Khalid laying on the sofa. Swear this lil boy always knocked out. I don't think it's normal but then again it could be because he's a growing boy. I kissed him on his head then proceeded to go to the backyard.

My mom looked so beautiful sitting at her picnic table. Her black and gray curls frame her beautiful, round face perfectly. She doesn't curl her hair that often, but when she does it's... well, beautiful.

She must have noticed me staring at her because her head turned in my direction. A small smile formed on her face as she got up and hugged me.

"Hey son, it's nice to see you in daylight."

I fully expected her to say something like that, because I usually only see her early in the morning or late at night when in dropping Khalid off and picking him up.

"I know ma." I pulled away from the hug so I could hold her hands in mine. "I'm sorry. I just been busy but I promise things will get better."

"Aww son." She put her hands on my face. "You say that, but you aren't doing anything to prove that. You've been lying to me and leaving me out of your life." She looked me straight in my eyes. "I have this strong feeling about something, but you don't even want to be honest with me anymore Khali."

That strong feeling she's been having probably has something to do with Asia. It's been two weeks since we found out she's pregnant, but I haven't built up the nerve to tell my mom. She called it a few months back. The moment Nov told me Asia was pregnant, I thought back to that conversation. Couldn't remember the whole thing, but I do remember her saying that Khalid would end up with a little brother or sister.

Fuck it. She'll find out about him or her anyway, so I may as well tell her now.

"Well umm. Ma, you should sit down. I should come clean."

She sat down and I debated if I wanted to sit down or not. When I seen the unreadable expression on her face, I took a step back. There's no telling what she might do.

"As far as what I do, I've climbed the ranks... uh, a little. And umm." I scratched my head trying to find the right words. "Remember that dream you've been having? Well. Umm. I... Well umm, I got another girl pregnant ma."

Her brown eyes stared directly ahead, almost as if she zoned out. Whether that's good or bad, I don't know.

I stepped closer to her then put my hand on her shoulder.

"Uh, ma? Say something?"

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" She said hopping up off the bench. I flinched hard as fuck, I didn't expect that shit!

"Crystal thought I was just being a crazy old bat! But I'm not a crazy old bat! I'm not even old!" She said referring to one of my Aunties.

She had a nigga dumbfounded for a moment.

"So, you're not mad?"

Her smile wiped off her face and she looked me in my eyes again.

"Khali, I prepared myself for it since I had that feeling. I don't want to say that I'm disappointed, but I told you what would happen if you kept on living your life carelessly. Your priorities are all mixed up a..."

She kept talking but I toned most of that shit out. Carelessly? She said I'm living life carelessly? Really? So I guess me providing for my family is living carelessly? Soon time I made my first large amount of money, I spent it on my mom to get her out her financial bind. Soon time I found out about my babymama being pregnant with Khalid, I stepped up. I broke the stereotypes of black dads and I stepped up to take care of my priorities and obligations. I'm stepping up now with baby number two. I check on Asia everyday to make sure she doin alright. When my boy or girl comes, I am going to be in that child's life. Oh, I'm just a careless ol' muthafucka that don't give a fuck about shit. Yeah, what the fuck ever.

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