You Chose

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Khali POV

Khalid and I spent a majority of the day away from the house. Why? Well, the way I deal with my problems is to avoid them. Sometimes I even like to pretend like the shit never even happened.

I had a few things to do first, which included me getting a new fucking phone. I already knew my old shit was dead. That storm was no fucking joke!

Anyway, After I did what I had to do, Khalid and I went an arcade. Shit was fun as fuck too. We rode karts, played ball, played the table hockey shit, and much more. For like six hours, all my problems were non existent and Khalid and I were able to have a good bonding experience.

"Daddy me hungry."

"It's I'm hungry."

"Okay good! You hungry too so let eat!"

I chuckled at him. I'd be nothing without Khalid. Him and Katelynn are what really keeps me going and what motivates me to try and become a better person. Apparently it's not working for me though.

"What do you want to eat lil man?"

"Food, duh!" He said with an annoyed look on his face.

"I meant which restaurant boy!"

"Oh!" His smile returned to his handsome face. "I don't know. Surprise me."

Zaxbys was were we ended up going. I was in no rush to go home, so we went in to eat. We were quiet as fuck while we were tearing our food up.

"KHALID! Mommy's baby!"

Autumn shows up at I restaurant I'm at again? Oh wow I really didn't expect this shit. Ugh, this stupid bitch must be following me or something. She still look all busted and shit, so why do she keep coming to these damn restaurants? Doubt she got money to pay for this high shit.

Khalid munched on his chicken tenders and sipped his lemonade as if he didn't hear a damn thing. Any other time I'd encourage him to not be rude and to be the better person, but I don't blame him for ignoring her. This is what he wants to do, I'm not forcing him to do anything. After we saw her at Cheddar's a while back, I realized how wrong I was for not wanting him to speak to her. I had to have a serious talk with him about it. Yeah I was trying to avoid the risk of her hurting him again, but I was basically acting like he didn't have a right to speak to his biological mother just because I'm not on good terms with her. It's fucked up and petty as fuck when parents do that shit. Let the kid decide if they want a relationship with the other parent or not.

"Khalid?" Her face fell when she realized he didn't want to talk to her.


"I AM NOT YOUR SON! I HATE YOU THE MOSTEST! LEAVE ME AN DADDY ALONE!" This lil boy stood up him his chair and shouted in her face.

I stood up and got him down.

"Calm down son. Sit here and finish your food, okay."

He sat back down and mugged Autumn as I pulled her away from the table. We went over towards where the restrooms are, because I'm not about to leave Khalid in this restaurant by himself.

"Khali I don't even want to hear it! I just wanted my son back in my life but clearly he doesn't want to be in my life. I'll leave you alone for good." She ran out the restaurant without giving me a chance to say anything.

I went back over to the table and sat down. I want to talk with Khalid about what just went down, but not yet. I'll wait until I'm sure he's fully calm. I don't feel sorry for Autumn not one little bit, but he should not have told her that he hates her. He probably doesn't even really know what the word means. I don't want him hating anybody though, because saying you hate someone is just another way to say you're holding a grudge against them. Grudges make you bitter and it fills you with a bunch of negativity. That's not what I want for Khalid. He may not fully understand why Autumn is the way she is, but one day he'll have to come to terms with the fact that it isn't his fault. Autumn made her own decisions. Regardless though, Khalid knows that he has Asia, Katelynn, mom, Leek, Nova, and me. He has a family that won't do what Autumn did to him.

By the time we were about to leave, he seemed to be okay.

"Daddy wait, shouldn't we get mommy and Tinkie something to eat?!"

I laughed at him and shook my head. "Tink is too small to eat food like what we eat." Not to mention she doesn't have a single tooth in her mouth to chew the food. "We can get mommy something though, okay?"

I threw all of out trash away then went and got in line to get Asia something. I think she likes the wings and fries with honey mustard and ranch. I even got her a birthday cake milkshake.

The ride home was very quiet and surprisingly very quick. When we got home and walked in, I got a big ass whiff of smoke. Khalid was so tired he just climbed up on the sofa and we to sleep as if he didn't smell it. I ran into the kitchen and put Asia's stuff on the counter then I turned the stove off and started trying to clear the smoke. The damn detector must be broke because it didn't go off yesterday either.

Asia ran down the stairs with a fearful expression on her face.

"FUCK!!" She hurried over to me and started helping me.

I took a step back and chuckled as she pulled the black pan that was once silver out of the oven. Can't believe the same shit happened two nights in a row. Maybe we should just hire a chef or something.

"Now dinner is ruined!" This girl legit started crying as she turned the stove fan thing on.

"It's not the end of the world ma. It happens. Trust me, I know. At least it don't look like the world ending outside this time though."

"See Khali! This is a sign too! I wanted to do something nice for you to make up for last night, but look at what happened!" She wiped the tears from her face. "I got Katelynn to sleep so I started on my homework and forgot that the stove was still on!"

"You wanna know what? Yeah, it is a sign. But it's a different one this time. I've ate, and I got you something at Zaxbys. It isn't storming or raining at all outside. The sign is this: our relationship won't be and isn't perfect. No one's relationship is perfect. There will be rough times, but look at how we came together to help each other both nights. It's your heart and you know what you want to do with it, but my mind is made up and I know that it's you that I want."

"I never really thought about it like that." She said as she took her food out the bag. "I don't want a repeat of what happened in my past." She whispered as she stared at her food.

I grabbed her hand in one of mine then my other hand laid against her shoulder. She looked in my direction.

"I was hurt by my first love too Asia. Those relationships didn't work out for a reason though. Just give me a chance to prove to you that I am Khali and not Devin."

"Only if you give me a chance to prove that I'm a continent and not a season."

I busted out laughing at that. That sounds like some shit that Leek would point out.

"I promise I will ma." I grabbed her hands and looked her in her eyes. "Asia, will you be mine"

"Yes I will be yours Khali."

She laid her hand against my face as we shared a passionate kiss. Judging by the way yesterday went, I didn't expect this two happen so soon. One thing about it though is that I knew it would happen.

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