Don't Get It

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Khali POV

After the doctor's appointment, Asia and Khalid were extremely excited. I kinda am too, but I can contain my excitement way better than they can.

Originally, I was gonna just take her to the appointment then take her back home, but her and Khalid were enjoying each other's company so much.

Since I was a hundred percent positive that Asia wanted to start shopping for our baby girl, I took them to the mall. I gave her my card and told her she could buy anything she wanted to buy, for her and the baby. At first she was hesitant, but once I convinced her it was fine, we went to pretty much every story in the mall. I was already planning to, but she even picked out some outfits and shoes for Khalid so he wouldn't feel left out. I'm glad she likes Khalid a lot. Some females wouldn't be as welcoming to another female's child. But I mean... it ain't like we together though, and I did have him way before I even met her, so I guess that's why she's so open to him.

By the time they were finished shopping, they were tired. I was tired just watching them.

"Daddy me hungry an Asia hungry an an an sister hungry." Khalid said as I got in the car.

"Okay lil man." I looked over at Asia who was staring at one of the pictures of our baby. "What do you want to eat?"

She shrugged her shoulders with a smile on her face. "It doesn't matter."


I started the car and gladly left the mall. That bitch was packed as fuck and it ain't even tax time. Damn.

I didn't really know what restaurant to go to, until Asia tapped me on my arm.

"Ooo Khali I want Cheddar's. It's right up the road."

I nodded my head then drove there. I parked and got Khalid out then I opened the door for Asia and helped her out.

We walked in and the hostess smiled brightly at us.

"Table for three?"

She only see three people standing here, don't she? Ugh, no let me stop.


She grabbed two menus then lead us over to a booth in the back of the restaurant. We sat down and she put the menus down.

"You have a beautiful family sir." She whispered before walking away.

A few minutes later, a waiter approached our table to get our drink and food order.

We sat there making small talk for a few minutes before someone else approached our table.

"MOMMY!" Khalid cried as he hopped out of his seat to hug her. Shit, why did this hit have to happen?

"Khalid sit down." I said while getting up. He put his arms around her neck and wouldn't let go. I hate to cause a scene in here but this bitch finna piss me the fuck off. It seem like she keep following me or some shit and I ain't with it.

"Put my son down." I said as my jaw clenched. She rolled her eyes at me and kept whispering shit to Khalid as if she didn't hear me.

I grabbed him from her then made him sit beside Asia. He started pouting and throwing a tantrum, as expected. I'm glad we in the back because there would be even more damn people staring at us if we were in the front.

Asia put her arm around him and made him lay his head against her belly. She kissed his head and whispered things in his ear to calm him down instantly.

Autumn tried to step past me and grab at him. "That's my son bitch! Don't put your hands on my son."

"The only bitch I see right now is you." I mumbled. I grabbed her arm and forced her out the restaurant.

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