Isn't Safety Important to you

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Asia POV

I was walking down the hall way to go throw my last book of the day in my locker.

"EUROPE" I heard Leek yell down the hall way. i blew breath from my mouth and ignored him . I closed my locker and started walking towards my last class of the day.

"EUROPE LONDON FRANCE, I KNOW YOU HEAR ME CALLING YOU" he yelled. The fuck Leek wanted with his aggervating ass. I was tryna go learn my last lesson of the day so I could go home to talk to Nova. I had to figure out what the hell was going on.

"What" I said stopping and turning around. My blood rushed to my cheeks and turned red as I seen he was with his friend Khali. If Brown skins could blush, ya girl would be caught.

"Europe , I needa know what's up with Nava" he said catching his breath and throwing his bookbag acoss his back.

"Who is Nava?" i asked scrunching up my face.Khali began laughing.

"Nova?" he whispered to Malik.

"Yeah, Man shit, Yall be knowing what the hell I mean. Damn Like yall be remeber names off the dome. Asia don't get smart either cause yo short ass called me Malachi.  Do my name look like a damn Malachi."

"Do I look like Europe"  I asked with my hands on my hips

"Ugh, This is irrelevant, I needa find out about Nova"

"UGh NO , go ask her whatever you wanna know about her. I 'm not the one to spread my bestfriend business like that." i


"I'ma slap the shit outta you call me out my name one more time." i said pointing my finger in his face.

"Ugh, YOu got Butt Naked Nasty fingers" He said turning up his nose.

"Ugh, Take me home after school  and I'll tell you wessup" I said folding my arms across my chest.

"You lucky i like yo ugly darkskin ass"

"Bitch, Yo high yellow light bright ass ain't shit. Manilla folder looking Fuck! Nigga this problem you dont want " I said looking at him up and down.

"This problem YOu don't want , But oooooh boo I got it" he snapped before turning around and walking off. I shook my head and walked to class. Leek irks my nerves to the max. I can only deal with him for but so long. I didn't see how Khali dealt with him like that. Leek is retarded.


When the last bell for today rung I gathered all of my shit and started walking towards the student parking lot. I had an ass of books in my hands to study for these test and get some homework outta the way. I was walking with my head down tryna lift my books up when somebody bumped into me.

"Ugh , What the-"

I looked up and couldn't finish my sentence , My eyes then locked with Khali.'s My heart started beating and my stomach started going into circles.

"My apologies ma, I shoud've been watching where I was going" He said picking up my books off the floor. " Why were you carring these books anyways , they heavey as hell"

I smiled. " I gotta study for my test friday and I wanted to catch up on some home work"I shrugged shyly.

"Awh, I see you ma, Where you was headed.?"

"To Leek Car"

He then turned his face up. " I wouldln't ride in there if I was you, i'll take you home ma"

"But I told Leek I would ride with him."

"You wanna ride with him" he asked with raised eyebrow. "I'm not tryna stop you from riding with him it's just-"

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