Party Foul

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Khali POV

With all the stuff that's been going on, graduation wasn't major at all to me. Now let me contradict myself by saying that walking across that stage felt pretty damn good. I'm just glad that I don't have to deal with a majority of them muthafuckas. Speaking of that, Ms.Epps literally loss her voice cheering and screaming when Leek was called. She was more excited than anybody that he graduated. The rest of the staff was so confused about it, but the class laughed their asses off. We all ended our high school years in a good way. Well for the most part anyway.

Since Leek and I have been all into the fucked up trap shit, he decided he wanted to take a break away from that today and have a party that's kinda like a graduation party. It wasn't suppose to be anything major, but knowing Leek, it'll probably be hellah people there. People who probably never graduated or got their GED. Usually when he plans a party he has to go all out and invite damn near everybody in the damn city.

"Your mommy always has to take forever to get ready." I said to Katelynn as I laid her on my chest. She smiled big then rested her head against my chest. "I don't get why she takes so long getting ready. She's beautiful already so she shouldn't have to put much effort into it."

"That's sweet and all but you wouldn't understand since you aren't s female. And plus it's easy for uglies to get ready quick." Asia said as she came down the stairs and got Katelynn from me. It seems like she just loves to mess with her even when she sees that she's content.

I was about to laugh at what she said but I had to think about that. It only took my like fifteen minutes to get ready.

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

She smirked as she attempted to rock Katelynn back to sleep.

"Oh okay now the cat got ya tongue."

"Yeah but the pussy cat had yours."

I busted out laughing at her. She a damn trip. I know Katelynn can't understand her, but why would she even say something like that while holding her?

Khalid then came down the stairs with his little book bag on his back and his adorable 'mean' mug on his face.

"Wassup lil man? Fix ya face before it gets stuck like that."

"Maybe I want it to get stuct!"

I bit my lip and let out a deep breath before responding to him.

"I promise we won't be gone for too long, and plus you'll have Tinkie to play with."

"Ever time you go away is too long. These many minutes away is too long." He said as he held up his tiny hand.

"You'll be having so much fun that you won't even be focused on the time." I chuckled while getting up off the couch.

I then went upstairs to double check and make sure that Katelynn had enough things in her bag. I also went and checked Khalid's room to make sure he wasn't leaving behind anything he might want. When I was done we left the house.


Asia and I walked into the event center place hand in hand. Leek wanted to throw another house party but I advised him not to do that. Too many people already know where he lives from the last time he threw a party. Maybe it's just the paranoia in me, but shit one of us gotta be cautious.

"What's so funny?" Asia asked with her eyebrow arched up.

The further we walked into the crowd, the more we heard cheering and laughter. We finally made it through the crowd and busted out laughing at what was getting all the attention. Leek and Nov are on the 'dance floor', dancing. The hilarious part about the whole thing was that LEEK was the one TWERKING on Nova! He literally has no shame at all!

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