It is what it is

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Khali POV

I looked at my phone to see that it was almost ten o'clock. Time went by fast while watching them boring ass movies. I don't really like movies that much. I tend to lose interest in them after like an hour. Especially if they were boring as shit to start with.

I looked over at the others to see that Leek and Asia were knocked out. Nova was staring at her phone with a worried look on her face.

"You good?" I asked.

She jumped a little then looked back. "Oh I thought all y'all were sleep." She said laughing. "Yeah I'm good, just playing a hard game."

Seems like a lie. Not because she said she was playing a game, but because I can clearly see that she has text messages on the screen. Guess she don't want to talk about it, cool.

"Alright well I guess I need to be going." I said getting up. I was about to stretch but Leek damn near scared the fuck out of me.

"HOLD UP NIGGA!" His eyes shot open and he stood up quick. I wanted the jaw the shit out of him but I stopped myself.

"What's wrong with you? Had a nightmare?" Nova asked while laughing at him.

He smacked then rubbed his face. "No I didn't. I'm a G and G's don't have nightmares. Well they probably do but they ain't scary."

"Boy you a S as in a square."

"Don't listen to Future then. Keep them squares up in ya circle girl."

She laughed at his corny ass then got up too.

He walked over to Asia and lightly tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey Asia, wake up."

Shawty was snoring but as soon as he said her name right, her eyes shot open.

He scratched his head looking at the shocked looks on our face.


"You finally got my name right?"

"Duh. It's a easy ass name to remember, Europe."

She rolled her eyes then got up off the floor. I already know why Leek woke her up so quick so there's no need to beat around the bush.

"I'm about to head out so I'll take you home."

She shrugged her shoulders and yawned as if she wasn't interested.

"Alright well bye Nova, see you at school. Same to you Leek."

We walked out Leek's house and got in my car.

The ride to her place was filled with awkward silence. Awkward on her end. I don't get why she been actin' so weird lately. She pretty much gives herself away.

"Umm. Thanks for the ride."

She was about to get out but I stopped her by lightly grabbing her arm.

"Is this how it's always gonna be between us? It ain't gotta be."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Since we fucked you obviously started acting different."

"Fucked? Is that all you saw it as?" She asked as she turned to look at me. Judging by the tone in her voice and the look on her face, she's offended.

That's pretty much all it was. I didn't mean it as disrespect, I was just telling it like it is. We just recognized each other not too long ago. We talk and text from time to time, but not much to say that we got feelings for each other. At least it ain't enough for me to say that. We were drunk. We fucked. If we were sober, it would have just been sex. If we both had feelings for each other and loved each other then it would have been making love. Everyone should know the difference between the three.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah... Pretty much. Y-"

"Ugh. Whatever!" She snatched away from me then got out my car and slammed the door.

I simply drove off. I guess she's suppose to be mad at me. It is what it is though. My skin may be a little on the light side, but I ain't finna be draking like Leek be doing.

It took me about ten minutes to get to my mom's house. Luckily, she was sleep. I checked in her room first to make sure. I'm glad she is sleep because I didn't feel like hearing another one of her frequent lectures.

I went into Khalid's room to see him knocked out in bed with his mouth hanging open.

I got him out of bed and put some shoes on his feet and a jacket on him since it was kinda cool outside.

Before leaving, I left my mom a short note telling her I'll see her in the morning and that I have Khalid with me. If she woke up and noticed he was gone she'd probably come to that conclusion anyway.

By the time I got home, put Khalid in bed, and got in my own bed, it was after midnight. Like most nights, my thoughts kept me up a majority of the night.

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