A love so strong

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"Well, Cara," said Evie, hesitating before saying more.

"Yes, what is it, Evie? Cara could see that Evie had her arms entwined in front of her, looking away, as if seeing something not in the present room.

"I met Richard!" she burst out.

"Richard? Evie, I don't think I am understanding you. Father and Gilbert are captured by some barbarians and you met Richard?"

"OK, I know what you're thinking. It's not like that at all. Once I realized there was nothing I could do for father and Gilbert I wasn't sure what to do. Should I go through the gate into our kingdom or return with Trent's knights to Bavaria? That's when I saw Richard approaching, accompanied by five knights. He was as surprised to see me outside the walls of father's kingdom as I was to see him. It turns out he was unaware that we had gone to Bavaria.

"Oh, now I see."

"Oh, yes, Cara. I was so glad to see him that despite the presence of the men he was riding with I went to him, and he, seeing that I was so distressed, put his arms around me. That was so wonderful of him. Of course, I told him right away of everything that had happened."

"I see," said Cara, "It is fortunate that you met up like that." Cara could see how much the chance meeting meant to Evie.

"Do you see now why I care so much for him?"

Cara nodded her agreement.

"But here's the best part. He has heard of this band of outlaws though he didn't know they had grown so large. Furthermore, he has a good idea of where they might be hiding out, especially as they are closer to his father's kingdom than to ours.

"Evie, that is wonderful news," exclaimed Cara. "We must let Trent know."

"I have already told him," said Evie. "That is, I told the royal knight in charge of the expedition who accompanied us to our kingdom. I feel certain he would have told the king."

Cara was thinking. "Yes, I do think he would have told him."

"Surely King Trent will send an army to vanquish those who have taken our father and brother," said Evie.

"We don't know yet, Evie. If the brigands ask for reasonable terms for returning father and Gilbert maybe war can be avoided."

"I don't think any money should be paid to those wicked men. I think King Trent should find them and execute them all."

"But Evie, our father and brother are in their hands. They could kill them before we even captured their leaders. That's why we must wait. If King Trent pays them the money we will soon have our father and brother back again."

Evie made a face and said, "I don't like waiting."

* * *

Days passed and there was still no demand from the villainous abductors asking for a ransom. Cara and Evie, as well as Trent and their friends were becoming increasingly agitated. They had received a message from Alexander Von Stauffenberg, Richard's father, that they were on the trail of the perpetrators, but so far had not pinned down their location. Alexander offered that he would be willing to combine his efforts with those of Bavaria to track them down and bring them to justice. Yet his message also made note of the danger to the king and his son in their captivity.

"We have to do something!" said Trent to Cara early one morning. "We cannot wait forever for a ransom note or to learn what terms they might make."

"I know," agreed Cara. "It's just that with each day I've become more and more afraid of what could be happening with my father and brother."

"Their fate is on everyone's mind, Cara. Still, we cannot sit here and do nothing."

"What are you thinking of, Trent?"

"We will message Alexander von Stauffenberg of our intentions to set out in search of those villains and possibly coordinate our efforts. Ideally, we could set a trap for them with our combined forces hemming them in on all sides."

"But I'm afraid of what might befall my father and brother if the enemy knew they were trapped."

"That is why the whole operation must be done with utmost secrecy. What we need to do is to send a few brave men into their camp while they are sleeping to free your father and brother. Once that is done we can attack."

"Trent, to me that sounds so dangerous. Can we not wait at least another day or two for a ransom request? Surely that is why they captured them and are holding them now."

"OK, one more day of waiting and then we will take action."

* * *

Though Cara was worried, she felt that Trent was right. They couldn't wait forever to hear from the enemy. Something had to be done. Of course, she told her sister Evie about it the next day. Evie's reaction surprised her.

"I want to go with them."

"Evie, you are a young woman now. You can't go with the men to fight the enemy! It would be too dangerous for you."

"But you did! When the Magyars were attacking you and Gianna fought them with bows and arrows, and you killed many of the enemy."

Cara thought back to those days. It seemed a long time ago but it had only been a year. "But that was different, Evie. Gianna and I were protected by the battlements of the castle. We weren't out in the field where we could be captured by the enemy. I know you are very good with the bow and arrow, but what chance will you have in hand to hand combat with sword and lance?"

"Dear sister, you know I will be careful. I mean when they tried to capture me along with my father and brother I was the only one who got away. Besides, I so want to see Richard again. What could be better than if we fight together?"

Cara came to Evie, wrapping her arms around her. She saw the determination in her sister's face. "Evie, you are too brave and too much in love. Please don't do it. Richard will come to you when all is safe again. I am already so fearful for father and for Gilbert. I don't want to lose you too."

Will Evie take her older sister's advice? Knowing her, I'm not so sure that she will. But maybe Trent can talk to her. I love Evie's spirit, but her actions are worrisome. She seems so young and likely to do anything.

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