Is something wrong?

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Cara didn't feel well. She couldn't get comfortable. It seemed like she had heartburn whenever she ate anything. And then if she dropped something she could scarcely bend over to pick it up. The baby already felt and looked so big protruding from her belly and yet the midwife told her she thought she had a month to go. Could the baby get any bigger? Was there any more room in her already huge stomach?

She had trouble finding a comfortable position to sleep at night, despite laying pillows on her bed in different ways. And she was so embarrassed. She actually couldn't hold herself in and that was when she had women guests with her. Terrible! And, she felt she was having to go all the time. The midwife told her all this was normal. Why wasn't it easier than this to carry a baby? Was it really true, the old curse put on women since Eve ate of the apple and handed it to Adam? Cara was gaining a profound respect for mothers that she never had before.

She felt she could have handled everything if only Trent were here. He would be caring of her. He would try to make her feel better. He would know and appreciate that she was doing all this for him, for them both together. Where was he? Why had he still not returned?

She also missed not seeing Elke. Elke had lately become her best friend and it had been over a week since her smile had brightened her room and her feelings. Better than anyone, much better than the midwife, she felt she could talk to Elke and she would understand. After all, she had been through this twice. Cara always felt better when she and Elke had discussed things relating to life and more particularly to having a baby. Where was she?

* * *

Trent was pacing the edges of his large tent, the big canvas assembled for the king. He was thinking of his wife, feeling bad that he was still on the outskirts of the kingdom, still battling the enemy. He desperately wanted to leave to be with Cara. Daniel entered. The two of them shared the enclosure. Until now, Trent had not expressed his regret on not being with Cara to anyone. Now, he could not hold back.

"Daniel, Cara is having our baby. I am so longing to be with her at this important time. I know," he added, seeing the expression on his friend's face. "I know, we have the enemy to conquer. But my heart is with her and I would be there too."

Daniel looked thoughtfully at Trent, his king and his friend. "Trent, you know we are finally driving the Vikings from our land. I am not aware of any situation where the birth of a child has altered military planning."

Trent shrugged. "Daniel, I suppose you are right, but giving birth is fraught with danger. I mean, women and sometimes babies can die."

Daniel took a sympathetic tone, but said. "I understand your concern my friend, but from what I have observed Cara has adequately wide hips and should have no problem with delivery of your child."

Trent laughed, almost to himself. "Daniel, that is a bit comforting to me. Do you check out the hips and other features of all the women?"

Daniel was slow to answer for he didn't want to lie. Sheepishly he replied, "Yes, my lord."

"Ah, the truth comes out. You do notice women, and not only their intellect. Why have you still not chosen a woman to marry?"

"In truth, my lord, I have so many mixed feelings about them. I mean, I would not want one who would bring trouble into my life as I witness so many do. I am particular, you could say. But you are my friend. If, given more time, it works out for you I might think of marriage as an honorable institution for myself."

"Ah," replied Trent, "so you are watching us."

Daniel rose from where he was sitting to put an arm around Trent's shoulder. He spoke to him confidentially, "But only as a friend, Trent. Maybe you and Cara can teach me something. Maybe you and she can raise my opinion of the female species to the point where I would like to acquire one of my own."

Trent laughed. "Daniel, you have a long way to go. One does not 'acquire' a woman, one has to woo her. Even I, a prince, know that."

Daniel answered, "For the right one, I would be willing to do even that."

Trent couldn't but laugh at his answer.

* * *

After tapping lightly, Elke entered her room.

"Elke, it is so good to see you!," said Cara setting down the book she was reading. "I was afraid you had forgotten me."

"No, no, Cara. I should surely not have forgotten you now. I had a cold, a rather bad one and I didn't want you to catch it from me, especially when you are soon to have your baby." She came to the bed where Cara was propped up with pillows behind her. The women embraced, but a bit awkwardly as Elke had a baby in her arms.

"Such a darling. May I hold her?"

"Of course," said Elke.

"A moment. Let me sit up straighter to hold her. There, come on, little girl. Don't worry." The girl seem to calm in her arms. "So this is Inga," said Cara to the girl's mother. "I believe you said she is nine months."

"Yes, she just turned 9 last week."

"Have a seat, Elke. I am so glad you got over your cold." Cara was looking from the baby to Elke and back again. Somehow, it seemed so wonderful to her to be holding a baby in her arms. Maybe it was because she would soon have her own child nestled in her arms. Suddenly a thought came to her. "Elke, did you do any nursing yourself?

"Well, not with Garrick. I was kind of afraid to from all that I had been told. But then, after seeing it all with the wet nurse, I felt with Inga that I would like to do it myself. I mean children seem so peaceful when at the breast. I asked myself, why can't I do it for my own child? So I did. I nursed Inga myself for the first six months of her life."

"It was OK for you? No problems?"

"Well, I was sore, that's for sure. I mean my nipples. I guess I was determined to do it myself. The soreness went away after awhile and after that I was happy to be with Inga in that way.

"That's what I want to do, Elke. I mean almost everyone has been telling me I shouldn't but I want to. They say a baby may want to nurse at all hours of the day and night and that it's tiring. Still, I'm going to be our son's mother and it just seems natural that I should be the one to do it." Cara was glad she had a friend who had actually done what she wanted to do because she could understand her feelings.

"Good for you, Cara. If you really want to nurse don't let anyone tell you different. You're going to be tired, missing some sleep but it's worth it. I have some cream I can give you that helps with the soreness until your body gets used to it. But that's the future. How do you feel now?"

Encouraged, Cara began to go through with Elke the litany of things that bothered her. It was comforting to know that another woman had experienced most of what she was experiencing. It was good to know she wasn't unique at all. Elke was also able to give her some tips on how to ease her discomfort. When Elke left, much later, Cara was able to feel good about herself again. She felt that apparently she was completely normal.

It was only later in the evening, after the sun went down and people were going to bed that she felt bad again. Where was Trent? Why wasn't he at her side? She worried about him. She needed him. Especially now, for she felt she didn't have much longer until. . .

Surely, in the next part Cara will have their baby. Will it go smoothly? Will Trent be there? If you have had a child or children, some of this may be familiar to you. If not, . . . Anyway, hope you have enjoyed this part.

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