Living in Fear(Zarcel Stylik)

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My name is Marcel and i've been living a life that has me hiding at school from the bullies that want to hurt me, running home to the father that beats me when he feels like it. My mum left me when i was 13 all because of my father, but he blames me everyday about the divorce, he blames me for being born, i've thought to myself...How can a boy like me grow up to be this 18 year old nerd who does his homework, cleans the house, works at a bakery, and even live without anyone caring for him? Well yes that's all me, i'm Marcel styles, i live with an abusive father, i go to school where everyone hates me, i walk to work where the druggies stare me down but without touching me, the only place i feel safe at is the garden behind the bakery. 

My name is Zayn and i've been living a life filled with drugs, drinking, and friends. I'm living a wonderful life since i get whatever the hell i want. I get cars, bikes, hair supply, shit i can throw a party anywhere and anytime i want without my parents bitching about it. You see, my dad works as a doctor as my mum is a nurse right by his side. I am a lonely child under this house hold since my sister's wanted to move in with my sick aunt and her three kids. But i'm not complaining since i get whatever the hell i want. My three mates and i go to school together along with a few girls that we fuck with whenever our parties begin. But there is this one boy named Marcel......He wears big thick glasses, sweater vest's all the fucking time along with a pair of pants that look as if they don't fucking fit his tall arse. That's the thing with me, i am the boy at school who's known as the badarse, the smoker, the drinker, the tough one. I get to pick on whoever, but the only person that's targeted on my hurt list would be the Marcel dweeb.

What happens when Marcel enters his old time school without anyone in the halls, but that's only because he woke up with a beating and had to go to school late for trying to cover up the bruises that cover his torso, back, legs, and arms from both his father and the bullies at school. What happens when Zayn needs help with work or he would be kicked off the football team? So the only person to help him was marcel but not because he wanted him to but only because the teacher did. Will these two end up knowing more than just the work or will one end up dead in the alley? Find out with this new story on a nerd and a bad boy, will love actually be real within two boys? 

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