Part 56- How do you find him?!

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Joe's POV

Watching Rachel being ripped a part on the stand broke my heart. Seeing her breakdown and screaming to prove her point made me want to pull her into my arms and never let go!


We'd just been called back in. The Jury had made their decision. I just hope it's the right one! It has to be!

Rachel's POV

I re-took my sat next to Joe, my hand in his. Erin was on my right, Joe on my left. They were both squeezing the life out of my hands, but I wasn't complaining; I needed all the comfort I could get! The jury had made their decision, it needs to be the right one! I wasn't the only one that was nervous!

"May the head of the jury rise!" the judge said to which she did. "Have you all came to decision to which you find unanimous?!"

"Yes your honour!" she replied.

This was it!

"Harvey Smith was charged with domestic abuse and battery. How do you find him?! the judge asked. "Guilty, or not guilty?!"

"Guilty!" she replied. I mentally cheered. I saw Harvey raise his head in fear! Good! He was finally getting what was coming to him! My hands were being squeezed by Joe and Erin.

"Harvey Smith was charged with abduction. How do you find him?! the judge asked. "Guilty, or not guilty?!"

"Guilty!" she answered.

"Harvey Smith was charged with attempted murder. How do you find him?! the judge asked. "Guilty, or not guilty?!"

"Guilty!" she answered.

"And finally, Harvey Smith was charged with rape. How do you find him?! the judge asked. "Guilty, or not guilty?!" 

The room was silent for a minute. If one of these charges were to matter most to me, it would be this one!

"Guilty!" she replied.

I burst into tears of joy! I'd finally found closer! Harvey was finally going to pay for what he did to me!

"Harvey Smith!" the judges voice boomed. "I sentence you to life imprisonment! Take him down!"

"No!" Harvey screamed as he was being dragged away. "This is your fault you stupid bitch! Everything! I'll get you one day bitch! And i'll kill you!"

Joe pulled me into a hug, I let my tears spill out!

"You did it babe!" Joe said in a proud yet comforting tone. "He can't hurt you anymore!"

I gave Joe a kiss, and for the first time in ages, I didn't flinch. I knew Harvey couldn't hurt me anymore. Finally!

I'm free!

End of part 56

Authors note:

Hi guys! So Harvey finally got what was coming to him! Hope you's all liked the chapter! Well, until next time!

Rachel x

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