Part 49- Ever Again!

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Joe's POV

We were leaving the club. I didn't have one drop of alcohol. I needed a clear head. As we were walking out, I noticed a bag and a phone on the ground. When I picked up the phone it flashed and I saw the lockscreen was a picture of me and Rachel. Wait, Rachel nor I have never posted  that picture. These were her belongings. What frightened me the most was what was on the ground next to Rachel's stuff. Blood!

"Guys!" I yelled. "These are Rachel's things!" I held up her bag and phone so everyone could see them. 

"She's likely dropped them whilst running away from being so upset!" Erin said, clearly angry at me. 

"There's blood on the path!" I said, worriedly. "We need to get back to the house to see if she's ok!"

"Joe, do you really think it's a good idea for you to go?!" Zoe asked, concerned. 

"If her life is at risk, of course!" I said. 


Erin, Jack and I just got to their flat. We walked in. 

"Rachel!" Erin called out. No answer. 

"Rachel!" Jack called out. Again, no answer. 

Jack searched the flat, then came back through. 

"She's not here!" Jack said. 

Erin and Jack had scared looks on their faces, matching mine. We all caught on. The blood on the ground, was Rachel's!


Rachel's POV

He was standing right in front of me!

"Yes, it's me!" Harvey laughed, evilly. 

"W-why?!" I sobbed. 

"I told you i'd be back you stupid bitch!" Harvey said. "I've been watching you for weeks, nearly a month! I just needed the right moment!"

"You're sick!" I yelled, only seconds later to be punished with a slap. 

"Enough!" he yelled. "I see you've forgotten how to behave!"

"Joe will come looking for me!" I sobbed. 

"You sure? What about Jess!" Harvey laughed.

"Wait, how do you know her?!"  I asked, shocked and confused. 

"Well, soon after I stabbed lover boy, I realised I needed help!" Harvey said, laughing. 

"Y-you st-stabbed Joe?!" I sobbed in shock.

"Yep!" he said, proudly. "And look, everything worked!"

"Everything?!" I said, confused. 

"Well Jess split you's up. It was all my idea!" Harvey said proudly. "Then once you split up, I could finally take back what was mine. You!"

"I'm not yours!" I sobbed. "Let me go!"

"Nope!" he laughed. "You're never gonna see any of them. Ever again!"

End of part 49

Authors note:

Hi guys! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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