Part 2- Saviour

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Rachel's POV

I was just editing my video for Sunday- I always upload on Sunday, I like to make people happy before "the dreaded Monday"- when there were multiple thuds on my door. I opened it to see Harvey, and he looked mad! 

"Why aren't you ready?!" he shouted, barging in.

"What?!" I asked, scared. 

"I sent you a text to be ready at 12pm, it's 12pm!" he shouted, which made me jump. I looked at my phone. 

"I didn't get a text!" I said.

He looked at his phone and sighed. 

"You mustn't have sent it-" I said, before being interrupted with a slap across my face. 

"You don't tell me what I haven't done!" he screamed. "Now get dressed!"

"I don't really feel like going ou-" I said, unable to finish as he punched me in the face. 

"I said get ready!" he screamed. "You need to buy me stuff!" Tears drizzled down my face, which only made him angrier. He grabbed my throat with his hand. "You will do what I say, when I say!" he screamed. I scurried off to get changed and put my make up on. I had to wear a full face of make up to cover the bruises that were coming from where he hit me. I walked back into the living room. He walked over to me and slapped me again. What did I do wrong?!

"Take all that makeup off!" he screamed. "You look like a desperate slag!" I flinched as he shouted at me. I walked back through to the living room, make up free. 

"You need to go on a diet!" he spat. Great! Last time he put me on a diet I was only eating one meal every three days!

And with that, we left my flat.


We were walking through town. Harvey was firmly holding my wrist, which hurt immensely! I tried to tug it back but he gave me a glare. 

"What are you doing?!" he stopped and angrily said. 

"You're holding me too hard. It hurts!" I whimpered. He let go of my wrist to reveal it all purple and bruised. 

"It's your fault!" he spat. "Maybe if you weren't such a slapper and letting all the men look at you, then I wouldn't have to keep a hold of you!" He started talking louder.

"Ssh! You're causing a scene! I whispered, tears in my eyes. He pulled me into the nearest building, which just happened to be Costa.

"What do you think you're doing?!" he practically shouted. 

"W-what?!" I asked, confused. 

"Don't you dare show me up like that, you little bitch!" he basically shouted and gripped my wrist tight, making me yelp. 

"Hey man!" shouted a man with brown hair. "Let go of her, now!"

End of Part 2

Authors note:

Hi guys, hope you's are all well! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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