Part 45- Humiliated!

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Rachel's POV

We'd been in the club for about an hour. Everyone carried on after the problem with Jess. I'm not going to let her rattle me!

"I'm gonna get some drinks!" Joe said.

"Ok!" I said. Joe gave me a kiss and he left to go to the bar. Zoe came over to me. 

"How can they all drink so much?!" Zoe asked, laughing. 

"I know right! I don't like having more than two!" I said, laughing. 

"Same!" Zoe said, laughing. "So, how are things with you and Joe?!"

"Great!" I said. "I honestly trust him with my life! He's caring, amazing and loyal!" Zoe was smiling until she looked straight forward and her face dropped. 

"What's wrong?!" I asked. 

"Em Rachel!" Zoe said. 

"What?!" I asked, confused. 

"That girl, Jess, is over at the bar with Joe!" Zoe said. I was raging! Can she not take the hint! Everyone else seemed to have saw too. 

"Why can't she just leave!" Conor said. 

"Woah, Joe looks really drunk!" Erin said. 

"She's ruining everything!" Caspar complained. 

We all went over to the bar and Erin was right, Joe was really drunk. Really drunk!

"Hey babe!" I said to Joe.

"Heyyyyyyyyy!" Joe slurred. 

"Oh great!" Jess said. 

"Problem?!" I asked. 

"Only you!" she said, smirking. 

"Listen here! Take the bloody hint! He has a girlfriend! Me!" I yelled at her. 

"Do you want another slap?!" Jess asked, well, more like threatened, as she stood up. 

"You'll get one in a minute!" I threatened. 

"Whatever babe!" Jess laughed. "Well since he won't, i'm going to find a man to come home with me!"

"Well you've just shown the whore you are!" I laughed. She gave me a glare and walked away. 

"Oh, where's she going?!" Joe asked drunkenly, looking disappointed. 

"Miles away if it does her any good!" I laughed.

"Aww I was having a nice conversation with her!" Joe slurred. "You were such a bitch to her!" There was an awkward silence. That made my blood boil!

"Are you bloody kidding me! She slapped me and threatened me!" I yelled. "And you're sticking up for her!"

"You kinda deserved it!" Joe laughed. The whole group gasped. Joe made me feel so humiliated, just like Harvey did! Tears crawled down my face. I took the promise ring Joe gave me and slammed it on the bar. 

"Well go back to her then!" I cried. "Cause we're over!" And with that, I left....

End of part 45

Authors note:

Hi guys! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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