Part 19- I really like him!

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Rachel's POV

Joe left the house about ten minutes ago. Yesterday we talked about our true feelings towards each other. Finally I can tell Erin I like him. We were both on the sofas on our laptops; I presumed she was editing. Now was the time to tell her!

"Erin, can I talk about something with you?!" I asked. She smiled at me and put her laptop down. I put mine on the floor. 

"Sure, everything ok?!" she asked.

"I like Joe!" I said. 

"Ok, does he know?!" she asked. This was what I loved about Erin; she doesn't over-exaggerate about stuff like this. She calmly goes through the situation. She's the best!

"Yeah, we had a big chat yesterday!" I explained. 

"Ok, that's good!" she said, smiling. 

"There's a few things I need to say though" I said. 

"I'm all ears!" she said, smiling. 

"Well, three days ago, Joe and I nearly kissed" I explained. 

"What stopped it?!" she asked.

"The text from Harvey" I explained. 

"Oh right" she said. 

"And yesterday, after half our talk, we kissed" I explained. 

"Ok, what do you mean half a talk?!" she asked. 

"Well, before the kiss, we talked about how we nearly kissed!" I explained.

"Then after?!" Erin asked. 

"I told him I couldn't go into a new relationship yet!" I said.

"That's fair!" Erin said. "How did he react?!"

"Amazingly!" I said, smiling. 

"Really?!" she asked, smiling. 

"Yeah!" I said. "He really understood! And he said he'd wait a lifetime for me!" I blushed. 

"That's so sweet!" she said, beaming. 

"He said he'd protect me!" I said. "And Erin, I believe him! I actually trust a boy. I never thought I would after Harvey!"

"Rachel, this is amazing! He really is a keeper!" Erin said, smiling. 

"I know!" I agreed. "I really like him. I think he could be the one!"

End of Part 19

Authors note:

Hi guys! Hope you's are all well! Thanks for all the love and support and I love you all! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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