Part 34- Nandos Nightmare

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Rachel's POV

We'd just sat down. Joe was sitting at the right end of the table, with me, then Erin, then Jack. I found it weird us sitting at a semi circular table, but I just went with it. As we were just engaging in general conversation, a waitress came up to us. 

"Why hello gentlemen!" she said, towering over Joe whilst completely ignoring me and Erin."My name's Brittanny! And i'll be serving you's!" 

"Serving the food or herself?!" Erin muttered in my ear, causing me to let out a light laugh.

"So, what can I get you's to drink?!" Brittanny asked, bending further over Joe, her boobs practically jumping out her shirt. She was wearing the lowest cut shirt I'd ever seen with the ends tied, exposing just above her belly button. Her skirt just covered her bum and her face was caked in make up. 

"I'll have a -" was all I could say before Brittanny interrupted me. 

"What can I get you handsome?!" She asked Joe. 

"Um, i'll have a diet coke" Joe said, looking uncomfortable and taken aback by her rudeness. 

"Same!" Me, Erin and Jack said in unison. 

"Perfect!" She said, putting her hand on Joe's shoulder. Why couldn't she just leave my boyfriend alone?!

"That's all!" I said bluntly. She gave me a dirty look and strutted off. A few minutes later, she returned with our drinks. She placed them down.

"How about we get some drinks after my shift?!" Brittanny asked Joe whilst putting her hand on his thigh. Anger was boiling inside of me. 

"He has a girlfriend you know!" Erin said, sternly.

"Well, I don't see her!" she replied, smugly. I stood up. 

"Now you see her!" I said, raising my voice. 

"I don't see much!" Brittanny laughed. I was about to say something when Joe stood up and put his arm around my waist, then sitting us down. 

"We're ready to order!" Erin said, sternly.

We ordered.

"Well handsome!" Brittanny said to Joe. "How about I give you my number and get yourself away from her!" I laughed. 

"Oh yes, I can just imagine the answer!" I said. "Oh hello, hookers online, you're speaking to Bitchy Brittanny! Would you like to know how much I'm worth?! I'll try and fit you into my tight schedule. I have men left, right and center every five minutes, you might have to wait an hour!"

Brittanny stormed off. We all laughed, including more than half of the whole restaurant. I even saw the chef and waiters laughing!

After a while, Brittanny came back with our food, slamming mine in front of me. She gave me a death glare and walked away. 

"Slut!" Erin fake coughed, causing us all to laugh. I appreciate how well Joe is taking all of this; he's kept a hand on my leg the whole time, knowing it will reassure me. 

Brittanny has already came over three times asking Joe and Jack how their food is, not acknowledging Erin and I at all! She was just coming over now for a fourth. 

"How's the food boys?! she asked, smirking. 

"Not that good!" I replied. 

"I wasn't asking you!" she muttered. I'd had enough. She was just about to walk away. It's now or never!

"Wait, you need to know why my food isn't good!" I said and she stopped. "You see, we have this tarty, classless, man-snatching waitress pecking at us every five minutes. Love, you're putting me off my food!" I heard a slight laugh from everyone in the restaurant. 

"Oh, i'm not man-snatching! He wants me!" Brittanny said, smirking. 

"In your dreams love!" Erin said, laughing. As Brittanny cleared our plates, she deliberately knocked my glass over onto my knee, spilling the contents all over me. 

"Oh sorry!" she laughed. "Would you like me to get you a rag!"

"I already see one!" I said, looking at her. 

"Well, I did you a favour. I washed away all the ick. Actually sorry, it's still all there!" she laughed. I was about to lunge at her when Joe put his arm around my waist. Jack gave her the money. As we were just about to leave, I took some money out my pocket and slammed it on the table in front of her.

"Here! I yelled. "Buy yourself some custard to go with all the pies in your face!" 

And with that, we left, listening to all the laughs coming from the other people in the restaurant. 

End of part 34

Authors note:

Hi guys, hope you's liked it! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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