Part 41- We're together!

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Rachel's POV

We'd just arrived at the restaurant. We laughed as we realised we were late and the last ones to arrive! When we walked through I saw everyone: Caspar, Conor, Zoe, Alfie, Josh, Byron, Oli, Mikey, Tanya, Jim, Niomi and Marcus. Joe, Erin, Jack and I walked up to them.

"Happy birthday Caspar!" I said cheerily as I gave him a hug. 

"Thanks!" he laughed. I gave Caspar his gift. 

"Hope you like it!" I laughed as he opened it. 

"Oh my god! A reservation to the best pizza restaurant in the country! I've been trying to get a reservation for four months!" Caspar said, shocked with excitement. 

"Well, now you can go next week!" I said laughing. Caspar hugged me again, well, more like a really tight squeeze!

"Thank you! You're my new best friend!" Caspar squealed which caused us all to laugh. The weather was really nice this evening so we decided to eat dinner outside. The weather was beautiful. Caspar sat at the head of the table with Joe next to him then me, Erin, Jack, Alfie, Zoe, Tanya and Jim. Then on the other side of Caspar was Oli, next to him was Mikey then Conor, Byron, Marcus and then Niomi. 

After about twenty minutes of conversation, I saw Joe and Jack nod at each other and stand up. 

"Can we have everyone's attention please?!" Joe asked and everyone became quiet. "I'd just like to announce that I've found someone really special in my life and someone who I'm proud to call my girlfriend!" Everyone awwed. 

"Ooooo when can I meet her?!" Caspar squealed and clapped his hands excitedly. 

"Now!" Joe said, laughing. Everyone but Jack, Erin and Zoe looked confused. Zoe knew about all the dates and the agreement so I could tell she knew it was me. "Rachel and I are together!" Everyone smiled and clapped. 

"Wait, how long?!" Alfie asked.

"About three months!" I replied, smiling. 

"She's even moved in!" Joe said. 

"How long?!" Caspar asked. 

"Two months!" I replied. 

"How did you keep that a secret for two months!" Conor asked shocked. 

"I have no idea!" Joe laughed. "But we wanted to wait till the time was right!"

"Well, we're all really happy for you's!" Tanya said, smiling to which everyone nodded and agreed. 

"And" Jack said. "Erin and I are also together" Everyone smiled and clapped.

"How long?!" Conor asked. 

"A little bit over two months!" Erin replied. 

"You's live together?!" Mikey asked. 

"Yep" Jack said. 

"Just recently!" Erin added. Everyone smiled and we resumed the evening. 


After dinner, we all went up to the roof top bar. Joe, Caspar, Zoe, Alfie and I were just talking when a woman wearing practically nothing, looking about my age with her face caked in make up came up to us. She put her hand on Joe's shoulder. 

"Hey handsome! Fancy buying me a drink!" she said, her face full of cockiness and attitude. 

"No thanks!" Joe said, shaking her hand off his shoulder and put his arm around my waist.  

"What?!" she laughed. 

"Babe, do you want a drink?!" Joe asked me. 

"Sure!" I said, smiling. Joe took my hand and we walked over to the bar to join everyone else, with Zoe, Caspar and Alfie following. Unfortunately, the woman did too! 

After Joe ordered the drinks, she put her hand on Joe's shoulder again, which he quickly shook off. 

"Come on babe, no one can resist Jess!" Jess said, smirking. Everyone laughed.

"I'm not your babe!" Joe laughed. 

"This is priceless!" Jack muttered.

"Here you go babe!" Joe said, passing me my drink and giving me a kiss, before resuming the position of his arm around my waist. 

"Come on babe, i'll show you a good time!" Jess said, smirking. 

"Desperate!" I fake coughed, causing everyone to laugh at Jess. 

"What you laughing at bitch?!" Jess asked me, giving me a dirty look. 

"My boyfriend doesn't want you!" I said, smirking, with a variety of 'ooooooo's' surrounding me. 

"He doesn't want you, he wants me!" Jess yelled angrily, her face was getting red with anger. I knew exactly what to do! I threw my drink in her face. 

"You looked quite hot from the anger! Thought I'd cool you down!" I said smartly. Everyone laughed.

"You bitch!" Jess shouted and lunged for me, only to be pulled back by Marcus and Alfie. 

"You'll pay for this!" Jess yelled and stormed off.

"Well come on!" I yelled happily. "Let's party!"

Joe wrapped his arm around my waist and gave me a kiss. I was happy, with my friends and my boyfriend! My family!

End of part 41

Authors note:

Hi guys! Long chapter alert!

Do you like sassy Rachel?!

Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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